Friday, August 17, 2012

Illegal flea markets: buyers will also be fined

Last week, we announced a campaign that will also impose fines on buyers purchasing in illegal flea markets or "Top Mantas" in our town. Just another step forward in the war against illegal flea markets, carried out by the municipal government in recent months. Since March we are engaged in a campaign to exert pressure on illegal flea markets.
The proliferation of illegal street sellers, also known as "Top Manta", is a problem for many tourist towns of our country. From the city of Barcelona to other minor destinations, the constant presence of illegal sellers - perfectly organized to evade police pressure - has increased in recent years. In fact, this is not strictly Catalan or Spanish issue, but common in many other European destinations. 
The current important crisis has favored its spread, so now it is an important problem on the streets of cities and towns, provoked at the same time by the massive influx of immigrants during the first decade of this century. In Sitges, illegal flee market sellers or "Top Manta" are a problem for two reasons: firstly, because they represent an unfair competition for businesses that pay their taxes and keep their businesses open the entire year, and another because their presence hurts the image of quality tourism that distinguish and pursues our town.
The concentration of "Top Manta" in the same area (formed by the lower section of Parellades street, Marques de Mont-Roig and Primer de Maig) provokes the logical anger of shopkeepers in this area. And they are right. I told them so at the meetings that we held to address this situation.
The City Council is aware of this situation and, therefore, from Easter the police are applying pressure that has intensified during the present summer. The officers of the local police, as well as Mossos d'Esquadra or the support of the National Police, have intensified their persecution of illegal sellers. Thanks to such actions, we have reduced their presence.
But we know that this is insufficient and, accordingly, we wanted to make another step forward. For this reason, we will begin to apply penalties to buyers of illegal products. Citizens should be aware that when they buy "Top Manta" products, they are contributing to this problem.
The sum of the persecution of "Top Mantas", the reinforcement of police during the remainder of the summer campaign and new fines to buyers, will contribute to reduce and eventually eliminate this issue. It will not be easy. As I said before, it is not strictly a local problem and we must be aware of the social and economic environment that encourages it, but we work firmly to remove this problem.