Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Music School: the show must go on

Last month started a new course at the Montserrat Almirall Municipal Music School of Sitges (EMMMAS) with a new format, adapted stage and renewed hopes. After the sad chapter that involved the discontinuation of this activity last year, due to the economic problems of the concessionaire, the Municipal Government assumed the commitment of having public music studies in Sitges. So now, children and young people resident in Sitges can be educated in this field and, in turn, it also contributes to a cultural and educational system with more options and capabilities.

Facilities at Escola Esteve Barrachina make up the new space for EMMMAS. On 22 October, the 2012/13 course started, retaining the same classes that in previous years. And those first few weeks were enough to enjoy again and check that the spirit of the great music teacher of so many generations people resident in Sitges, Montserrat Almirall, la Senyu, is well preserved in the program and in the vocation of teachers and students.

The relaunched Montserrat Almirall Municipal Music School of Sitges, was possible thanks to the work carried out by the Department of Education of the City Council, in collaboration with Escola Esteve Barrachina. The efforts of the two cooperatives that have taken management and the enthusiasm of the students and their parents were essential. For such a reason, for the City Council it was a priority to provide the school with all instruments capable of insuring the recovery of its activity, while introducing a new management model capable of learning from the errors from the past while ensuring a project according to reality, that would not overstretch our meager resources.

In this way, the restored school had to receive not only the instruments and methods allowing its continuity, but also a down to earth vision, just as any education or cultural project created in our city. Therefore, the fact that Pinyu Martí is the new director is a guarantee that EMMMAS has chosen the path that suits all young people who want to learn music and, ultimately, it is a good decision for Sitges.

The projection of the Stämpfli Foundation
The Facilities of the Stämpfli Foundation - Contemporary Art host from the beginning of this month a new exhibition of their permanent collection. A renewed exhibition of contemporary art by artists of international renown that have been generously donated their works to the village of Sitges.

We will never be grateful enough to the Stämpflis for their love for the town that hosted them. The Foundation Stämpfli, as other previous initiatives promoted by Pere and Anna Maria, as the festival of carrer d'en Bosch or recovering valuable heritage buildings in this same street - were a gift to be thanked for all the merit they deserve. The collection of 80 works of the Foundation, which now expose 35, is a new element that strengthens and projects the cultural profile of Sitges.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

El Miramar, an all important legacy for Sitges

Last week, I signed with the Finance and Internal Resources Deputy of the Council for the Province of Barcelona, Carles Russinyol, the free transfer agreement of the Miramar Building to the Sitges City Council during a period of six years. The Miramar Building is the property of the Council for the Province of Barcelona, and is intended for municipal and administrative uses. It is the first time that the use of this building, having a significant public importance and an important part of our legacy, is transferred to the City Hall beyond the limited scope of a legislature. In other words, the duration of the agreement, which goes against the dominant trend in recent years, was conceived having our future in mind and not only our present needs. The decision blatantly ignored any political speculation about which political party will rule over the City Hall and the Council for the Province of Barcelona.

The above mentioned agreement will allow the relocation of a substantial portion of municipal offices, which for nearly two years have been concentrated at the Sitges Reference Building. Such building was located at the Pruelles area, way out of the center. The transfer is crucial to definitively put an end to the pathetic political period that gave rise to the new building, a ruinous business for the City Hall. Because of wrong decisions lacking any foresight taken by the last government, the City Hall was forced to allocate money for two counts: as an initial investment and to pay a deranged monthly rent during years that was totally absurd and should have never been paid under normal conditions. The Sitges Reference is a case study, showcasing the public administration model that led to the critical financial situation that we suffer today.

The Miramar Building will house municipal offices on the upper floors and keep the first floor and the ground floor partly for cultural and public use, hoping that such facilities will be at the service of organizations and associations of Sitges. The lack of other public facilities capable of lodging municipal offices and the express refusal of the government to spend money on unnecessary rentals, is the main reason advising the partial restructuring of Miramar Building in City Council offices. The necessary placement of municipal offices does not alter the artistic and creative function of the building in the cultural map of our town. The Department of Culture will manage the areas of ground and first floors for exhibitions, activities, screenings and other cultural initiatives.

This measure, coupled with a rigorous planning of municipal services and attention to the public, will reduce on one hand the astronomical accumulated deficit and, secondly, to recover the centrality of most municipal offices, while continuing to answer to the cultural needs of Sitges.