Monday, September 12, 2016

Speech of September 11

Councilors of the City of Sitges; Mayor Jordi Serra, Mayor Pere Junyent; Director General of Police
Inspector and local police; Sub Inspector and Catalan Autonomous Police; Organizations, associations and local sport clubs of Sitges, Garraf and Les Botigues; Political parties in the municipality; Youth Group (Colla Jove) of Human Castle Builders from Sitges, School of Grallers (Gralla is a Catalan woodwind instrument); Inhabitants of Sitges.  Good morning and good National Day!

Once again we find ourselves at the Sitges Town Hall Square, at the foot of our illustrious son Dr. Bartomeu Robert to commemorate the September 11, 2016 National Day of Catalonia. Year after year, and all around the Principality, we do it with civility, respect for difference and with a sense of respect for democracy, for social diversity and political plurality. It’s an act very much from Sitges, very much Catalan, very much ours.

As Mayor of the town, let me begin by expressing that in this act shared by public institutions and civil society, I am especially proud to belong to Sitges and Catalonia. We must commemorate and remember the identity of a people and not forget it is our duty as a nation, but also our role as representatives of civil society and institutions.

Catalonia is going through a fascinating period, a quite commendable one. Why commendable? Because after 300 years we are still in revolt as a people vindicating our rights and, most importantly, doing it with respect to freedom, embracing coexistence and peace and convinced of the richness of the diversity of opinions. 

Catalonia is not owned by anyone. There are no good and bad Catalans. We are all Catalans, but as Catalans we can decide what and how we want to be! Not long ago, considering that time flies, when the country began to discuss the fiscal pact, the Catalan Self-Government Law or the economic agreement, when the political debate was already beyond the range of the self-government in which we have lived for more than 30 years, some voices were heard (fortunately not many) in which we were qualified as selfish or people that wanted to have privileges that others did not have. 

Nothing further than that. We have not been understood or we have not explained it well enough. 
Catalonia is one of the most supportive people in the world and we have shown it. Solidarity is part of our essence and therefore we claim for it, more so on a day like today where all words carry accents. Also the solidarity of the Catalan people! This is an important accent.

Solidarity with disadvantaged Catalans. This is our primary mission in our day to day existence as a country and as a City Hall, our primary mission. Solidarity with the people of Spain. Solidarity with our European partners. And solidarity also from Sitges as a shelter town to all those fleeing war or hunger for a better life and a better chance at our home. A fact not be overlooked on a day like today is what happened 300 years ago in our country. Reviewing history makes us improve it or at least try. This is another important focus. 

As you know, this year marks 300 years of the promulgation and publication of the Decree of New Plant 16 January 1716. The New Plant of the Royal Court of the Principality of Catalonia following the model of Castile. A decree that ended the institutions of Catalonia as a state. A decree dissolving their political, economic and cultural structures. 

Philip V, with the support of Spanish and French troops, occupied the Principality and imposed this new political order that meant the elimination of our institutions and the subordination to a new system of absolutist government. The New Plant of Felipe V led to the imposition of a political model, the imposition of a language and the subordinations to institutions of Castile. The political centralization, standardization and territorial application of a single common law were the points of the Decree that contributed more to silence what today is more alive than ever: the yearning for freedom of the Catalan people.

Despite attempts to make us believe that the loss of national rights in 1716 was false,  the voluntary oblivion during the hard years of repression of Primo de Rivera and Franco's fascist dictatorship, or other dark moments in our history... Our national roots and sense of belonging are strong. Death, war, the courts, the grayness of some acts have not killed Catalonia and its reason for being in this world. It will not happen. This long journey that Catalonia has experienced should be remembered and honored just for the memory of those who are no longer there. But, above all, for the future to come. 

It is time for a New Plant. But, not an imposed absolutist and centralist New Plant. 300 years later, it is time for a New Plant in the 21th century. A radically democratic, open, tolerant and plural New Plant. A new plant voted by the people. We must place Democracy as the supreme value of decision making with the participation of everybody.

Everybody, because this country has been able to convey our sense of belonging to everyone who lives in Catalonia. Everybody, because this country belongs to all. Men and women, young and old.
Those who think red or blue, or in yellow, green, orange, purple. All the shades of grey... even those that are not attracted by any color. Of those who were born here and those who have come and will come from outside. Those who speak Catalan and Spanish, English, French, Gaelic, Dutch, Chinese, Arabic... any of the 200 languages ​​of communication in the Principality. Those who believe in a transcendent religion, any, and those who do not believe or even deny. As a European politician recently said... Also boys who love boys, girls who love girls and to men and women who love each other.

This country that belongs to all. And the New Plant must be decided and built between all. 
Let's build among all a prosperous country ruled by social justice where no one is left behind. 
Committed to people and Democracy. Let's show to the world that we are ready for the new challenge: to decide freely, and for all those who believe so: the freedom to choose! 

Sitges, patriots, we are an in country in which fear is called judgment. I wish that our judgment, which is an intrinsic part of our nature, will take us very far. As far as the people want.

Long live Catalonia!