Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fairs and events intended to extend tourist season

Closed in March and but open in April. We changed month, but kept the calendar of socioeconomic and cultural fairs and events. Such events act as catalyzer to attract visitors tby generating a wide range of activities. In March we held Fair Scrap+, International Patchwork Festival and Art Fair, in addition to Easter (which recorded an occupancy of 90% on average). April started with  Vintage Jazz Festival, Vintage Cars Rally and will continue with Tapa a Tapa, the acts to celebrate Sant Jordi and Sitges Next - festival of innovation in communication and new media. That is, it means than during two months Sitges weekends will be filled with different events that provide content and at the same time, generate traffic and public projection.

The calendar of fairs and events in late March and early spring allowed to transform a low season period into a highlight in our cultural and tourist calendar. At the beginning of March we installed the tents in Ribera, weekends held a continuum of events that filled streets, restaurants and hotels.

Three years ago, the City Council set a timetable to implement a stable and orderly calendar of fairs and events during the months of March and April, with the aim to avoid competition between some of these activities and to extend the season to periods that had traditionally been low season. Earlier, Carnival was an isolated event in the vast winter season. Now, there are years that depending on the calendar, such event could trigger tourist pre.season, as subsequent events link togeteher.

The calendar of events in March and April also includes events with diverse profiles that attract different audiences. In all cases, however, we are referring to a public that are also decision makers and that represent relevant cultural leisure interests. In addition to the direct impact they have on local economy thanks to their participation or presence, the calendar provides additional exposure to Sitges as events generate  pages and minutes of media communication and, therefore, direct promotion. Meanwhile, some of the festivals held during low season allow to further the role of Sitges as a land of festivals, a city capable of generating and attracting famous events that enhance our status as a cultural capital.