Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quality tourism: strategic value

These days, first class hotels in Sitges record a high occupation rate thanks to the Mobile World Congress, one of the most important economic and social events in our country, with a direct and indirect economic impact of extraordinary consequences. The past weekend, the name of Sitges appeared on all front pages on the occasion of the congress of Unió Democràtica, one of the governing parties. Two weeks ago, we also appeared in the media while covering Setmana de la Malvasia or Week of Malvasia wine. And now we are in the midst of Carnival.

Sitges brand is reinforcing its appeal and its seduction capacity. We are going through dire straits, in which different economic sectors suffer the effects of a lingering steep crisis that affects the purchasing power of the whole population. However, despite difficult conditions and restrictions, tourism maintains its drive as a generator of economic activity. We have different indicators that confirm the positive influence of tourism on the economic development in Sitges.

Business tourism. The celebration of congresses, conventions and meetings show that Sitges remains attractive and competitive at the same time. The efforts made ​​by the industry in this line -pricing, improved facilities, and promotion- confirm that this commitment to tourism is strategically essential and effective according to results. Hotels are already reserving conferences and conventions two or three years ahead of time thanks to the concourse of Agència de Turisme, our local municipal tourism agency. They are aware of the importance of this type of tourism for the sake of promotion and positioning.

New investments. In the past two years, Sitges opened eight new or refurbished hotels. The tourism sector believes in Sitges and its possibilities. We are not dealing with large hotels with hundreds of rooms. Maybe they are not needed now. We are dealing with investments that are only carried out if there are prospects of medium or long term profitability. A trend that shows our track record. In this line, the City Hall will implement during the coming months the one stop shop, which is intended to promote processing and investments of entrepreneurs and investors.

Cultural tourism. In our current tourism policy, cultural tourism has a remarkable importance. For over one hundred years, our town has been an important cultural destination, and throughout all this time, culture has been our flagship. From the municipal Tourism Agency to the Museums of Sitges, we are working on new plans that will allow us to strengthen this commitment and, in some cases, we were able to visualize and obtain the first positive results.

The latest employment data. An unemployment rate of 10% is a figure that cannot be positive in any way. But 10% in the context in which we operate (in Catalonia, unemployment is 22%) is a figure that illustrates that tourism and economic activity in Sitges provide clear and tangible results.

Tourism promotion. Last January, we presented the new tourism promotion material prepared by the municipal Tourism Agency of Sitges. It is a campaign that reacts to our strategic and promotional needs and presents the global offer of Sitges, aimed at the different segments and sectors that make up tourism in our town.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rigorous municipal management generates positive results

Last Wednesday, the Auditorium of Miramar Building witnessed the third Public Audience. I prepared the act with the same faith and conviction I devoted to the first one, one year and a half ago. In other words, as one opportunity available to a Mayor to show the general lines of government action, the opportunity of all residents to ask and criticize whatever they want to their Mayor; and the opportunity of both parties to discuss in a constructive way how to improve municipal management and all problems affecting residents.

I was quite satisfied by the Audience due to several reasons. First, now the government can show more government actions, second, current projects for 2014 are really exciting, and the fact that the discussion with all participants was constructive, beneficial and a sign that notwithstanding different visions, we all share the same desire for a better Sitges.

The formula of the Audience is a good tool to articulate discussions and build a mutual understanding, and, at the same time it shows as in very few instances a good practice of transparency and participation. Beyond those two topics, we believe in those two concepts. And the following step that confirms it is that the next municipal budget will offer the opportunity to make real and active proposals to citizens. Neighbors will have a lot to say, propose or criticize during the preparation of our next budget.

I will retain some points from the last Audience. First, the evidence that rigorous financial management and cost control generates results, despite all sacrifices provoked in their wake. We managed to wipe out the deficit -even though the debt is still very important and limiting. This resulted in some implementations that were very necessary and that were out of our scope in the past, due to the dismal condition of municipal finances in 2011. Namely, transportation of sand to the beaches of Sitges (very damaged due to storms) saved the tourist season, the creation of the Blue Card and Soup kitchen were essential for people who need these services, the reduction in bus fares, which have reduced its impact, and the transfer of the retirement home in Carrer Maragall to the City Hall, had it not been for this action the retirement home would be closed by now since the financial institution that took over Caixa Penedès did not want to assume the burden...

Secondly, the projects that we will carry out during 2014 will also be very exciting. We are doing our best to improve social welfare policies, reorganizing municipal administration to speed up the creation of businesses and services for entrepreneurs, we are stepping forward in the promotion of tourism and attracting business and initiatives such as the recent arrival of Institute of the Arts in Barcelona, ​​and we will execute a remarkable package of public improvements revolving around heritage conservation: inauguration of the museum reform following criteria for heritage conservation, refurbishment of the library and the building of Prado, improvement of Vallbona tunnel and replacement of tiles in a stretch of Passeig de la Ribera.

And finally, I will also retain from this Audience the strength showed by this municipal government, as shown in the daily government action and interdepartmental work. The political parties that make up the current government are the only three that have not moved the list of officials elected due to leaves -justified or not- and were able to negotiate budgets, actions or motions with the entire municipal representation.

I have faith in 2014. It will still be a year of tears and toil, but it will also serve to show that all the sacrifices of previous years were not only necessary, but an investment for the future.