Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Let's recap about our Carnival

It's been a few days, the adrenaline ebbed away we already dwelled upon the appropiate reflections. Carnival, for its characteristics and dimensions, requires to be approched with some perspective of time and space, and the detachment recommended in all discussions and reflections about a festivity that awakens passions and feelings.
We are dealing here with a passionate and well rooted celebration with a high popular involvement, three features that distinguish our Carnival - any change or new development provokes byzantine discussions in which people take parties in favour and against. If not, at least at the beginning, after a while, time puts things in place, and some positionings and points of view are relativized, especially when you are able to analyze them with the necessary perspective and vision.
The above happened this year in our Carnival. Probably there was too much previous tension, and surely there was a certain badly driven adrenaline during the festivity and during the next day, but once a few days have passed, tempers returned to calmed waters. All apocalyptic visions with the only purpose of opposing any regulation, because of the simple fact that the City Council adopted them, adopt a more tempered perspective and admit the good results of certain measures.If we talk softly with a mutual will of cooperation, we can reach a common ground and advance in good direction.
The case of children's parade on Sunday is one of the best examples that illustrates how there are changes that can be very positive. With the new schedule, the kids had their deserved prominence without having to stick to a rigurous time planning, floats showed more personality and, indirectly, restaurants and trade took advantage. A very wise decision.
Is that anybody questions now that the Debauchery and Extermination parades should not leave at 19.30, as we implemented three years ago? At first, few gave their support. The following year, practically nobody had any doubts and now it's considered as an age-old tradition.
Good decisions take root easily and permeate into the dimension of the festivity in an spontaneous manner.Those decisions that generate questioning, for example, moving cameras from Cap de la Vila to the Promenade this year, require an in-depth analysis and redirect them in one direction or another. Also, one day no one will dare consider that security is an important aspect when making important decisions on parades. Security and the Carnival must know how to coexist together without trampling each other.
Carnival 2014 brings me many good experiences that were transferred to the gallery of good memories. The list is long, but I would like to mention a few. The bed race, which knew how to exploit the "fardo" or people that act in paralel; the activities organized by the group A Tope with elements also in parallel to the Carnival, the extraordinary impact that it had in the media and social networks (a very important promotion for Sitges), the frantic and never well recognized work of the Cleaning Brigade and Security, the drive and good work of our Department of Traditions and Celebrations and our Carnival Committee, and the joy, colour and magic that distinguished our parades and all those residents that carry our Carnival in their DNA.To all of you, many thanks.