Monday, October 10, 2011

A Sitgetà born in Vilafranca

Yesterday, we woke up with the sad news of the death of our beloved Janio Martí. It was just that kind of news that in a matter of hours arrives to every corner of Sitges, one of those events that shows that we are still fortunate to live in a town.

Janio was a very admired, loved and approachable person. During his artistic life, he received ample recognition when, accompanied by his orchestra, he became a common presence in Annual Festivals and Tents all around the country. Thanks to his performance skills, Janio brought a lot of happiness to many Catalans.

His death belongs to those that will be long remembered. His kindness, humor and optimism generated a bond with all the people that knew him. Janio was essentially a good person with whom it was always a pleasure to talk about any current issue, or just to talk about anything at Cap de la Vila or at El Retiro, as he was an enthusiast supporter of this local entity.

My relationship with him and his family was a consequence of different affinities and points of contacts, such as our common links between Sitges and Vilafranca, or to the fact that I was born at the same hospital and at the same date that his son Pinyu almost forty years ago. Our joint participation in the group Gent de Teatre some time ago, allowed us to intensify our contacts and share nice moments entirely filled with “sitgetanisme”.

Thanks, Teacher, thanks for everything you taught us and for everything you shared with us.