Monday, December 17, 2012

The Blue Card: support for people in need

January 8 will mark the implementation of the Blue Card. The new service launched by the City Council of Sitges, aims to provide tax benefits for the payment of taxes, discounts on public transportation and access to special promotions in shops in town. The Blue Card is aimed at unemployed people with low income, seniors and disabled people.

The Blue Card is one of the central activities in the politics of Services for People scheduled by the Municipal Government. The creation of this initiative is a response to the crisis situation, and the difficulties faced by many families living in Sitges. For the Council of Sitges and for this government, it is one of the prioritary actions for the next year, and for this reason, we have dedicated all necessary human and technical resources needed, also including our maximum illusion.

Blue Card holders will receive with this initiative, compensation for the difficulties provoked by the crisis. The campaign is an aid that translates into concrete, precise and at the same time, fairer distribution in the payment of taxes or municipal services.

One of the services that will offer discounts to Blue Card holders will be our soup kitchen, which the City Council will open in the coming weeks. This initiative is being finished by Councilman Marc Martinez, and will be born as another response to the crisis affecting more and more families. The Municipal Government is well aware of the importance of the service we are providing, and we are endowing this initiative with the necessary resources. For this reason, the members of government and positions of trust have decided to donate the entire Christmas bonus to this service.

Meanwhile, the Blue Card is also designed to become a support to trade in Sitges. In the coming days, it will be possible to find out all shops offering discounts or special promotions to the users of this card. The list will be in the City Council website. This will allow that some people in Sitges that did their shopping out of town, to have the opportunity to shop in town at more competitive prices.

An active trade
Indeed, this weekend we have several examples of the dynamic spirit of our merchants. Several streets and areas of the city have initiated campaigns that promote local trade, and project our town as a destination of leisure in which to do Christmas shopping. Initiatives like these are an example of the line of action that we must follow.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sitges 2012 Awards Night

On Friday, we held the fifteenth anniversary of the Awards Night. I will include my intervention in my blog post:

"Councilors, Mr. Parish Priest, President of Societat El Retiro, Presidents of organizations, award winners, residents in Sitges, friends, good evening to everyone. And first of all, congratulations to all the winners. As the ad about tonight proclaims, today is a day of excitement, a day of recognition, a day of identity, a day of tradition, a day of culture, concluding, a day "sitgetanisme". This is so because there are probably very few places where you can have the satisfaction of rewarding talent each year, and the values in different fields of culture.

The examples lies both in individuals and in groups that today receive their recognition in the field of music, sculpture, painting, literature, photography, cinema, theater, circus or history. All this is a breath of hope, and a clear example of how civil society has the necessary strength to keep moving, even in the dire economic conditions that prevail today.

Acting as Mayor, I must state that I am totally certain that there are things we cannot afford: 
- Whatever the degree of economic turmoil, we cannot afford to punish the development of culture in all its manifestations.
- We cannot afford to punish organizations that provide a breeding ground for the birth, growth and maturity of culture.
- We cannot afford to punish society, undermining the benefits of certain values. Values that due to the lack of mechanisms to quantify them economically are often left out of priorities.
- We cannot allow the language and culture of our country suffer no more attacks under the guise of crisis.

I want to reiterate my most sincere compromise both personally and as Mayor of Sitges, and also representing the government that I preside, that we work thinking and positioning CULTURE AS A BASIC PUBLIC SERVICE. But to do so, we also need your direct and close collaboration. And I say this because as you know, these days we are working on the preparation of the new municipal budgets. A budget that in no way gives us more room than the current one.

And now, in a context which calls for responsibility to the citizens under the form of taxes, when more sacrifices are asked to municipal employees, when we are reassessing and trying to optimize municipal services, as we did with the School of Music…. it is now in this milieu, when Culture sits on the edge of a cliff, a fact that could provoke its detour to a dead track by any public administration in trouble.

As you can you expect one of the easiest and more demagogic claims that arrive to politicians in times of budget cuts, are to begin to cut away from the budget allocated to organizations and festivities, to end in every traditional or cultural event. It is also evident that organizations and associations that promote culture and tradition should make an effort, but we cannot destroy them, WE DO NOT WANT TO WIPE YOU OUT FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

I cannot do it because the payback we receive from you under the form social and cultural benefits. The payback we receive from our host tonight, Societat El Retiro, far surpasses any contribution they receive from the City Hall.  We cannot afford to take to a point of no return organization and entities with more than a century on their back that, thanks to civil society, have given us far more than anything we can give them now. Does anyone have enough reasons to question this reality? Because some people are doing it.

On the other hand, and beyond the social and associative fabric that promotes culture, we should be able to boost their possibilities to generate economic development, which are not few.  I make such a statement because in our dire economic conditions, we cannot skip the ability to generate wealth from culture and creativity in every area. An asset that goes beyond Sitges, and forms part of the identity of Catalonia.

Our main source of income is tourism. We are a very appealing town; our economic activity is based largely in the services offered to our visitors. But it is very important not to forget that these visitors choose Sitges not only because our environment, but because Sitges has a solid and high quality cultural offer. From the smaller expressions, to our precious and coveted heritage represented by our museums.

Understand, then, that we cannot afford to relegate culture to a secondary role in all its manifestations. But I ask your help, and I do inviting you, asking you to transfer this message to all those who argue that institutions can be closed, eliminating activities, festivals and celebrations, or let our heritage die.
I know that what I'm saying now can receive a lot of criticism and adverse opinions. I am sure that many will not understand or share my message. But this is my commitment, the commitment of the Government of Sitges

It's time to review, time to reassess, a time of sweat, tears and cutbacks, but we cannot give away the wealth that we receive from the values ​​of culture. Because I am convinced that culture will help us out of this situation, our culture will thank us, culture will always be there. The culture we individually and collectively improve everyday!

Long live Culture, Long live Sitges!"

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Music School: the show must go on

Last month started a new course at the Montserrat Almirall Municipal Music School of Sitges (EMMMAS) with a new format, adapted stage and renewed hopes. After the sad chapter that involved the discontinuation of this activity last year, due to the economic problems of the concessionaire, the Municipal Government assumed the commitment of having public music studies in Sitges. So now, children and young people resident in Sitges can be educated in this field and, in turn, it also contributes to a cultural and educational system with more options and capabilities.

Facilities at Escola Esteve Barrachina make up the new space for EMMMAS. On 22 October, the 2012/13 course started, retaining the same classes that in previous years. And those first few weeks were enough to enjoy again and check that the spirit of the great music teacher of so many generations people resident in Sitges, Montserrat Almirall, la Senyu, is well preserved in the program and in the vocation of teachers and students.

The relaunched Montserrat Almirall Municipal Music School of Sitges, was possible thanks to the work carried out by the Department of Education of the City Council, in collaboration with Escola Esteve Barrachina. The efforts of the two cooperatives that have taken management and the enthusiasm of the students and their parents were essential. For such a reason, for the City Council it was a priority to provide the school with all instruments capable of insuring the recovery of its activity, while introducing a new management model capable of learning from the errors from the past while ensuring a project according to reality, that would not overstretch our meager resources.

In this way, the restored school had to receive not only the instruments and methods allowing its continuity, but also a down to earth vision, just as any education or cultural project created in our city. Therefore, the fact that Pinyu Martí is the new director is a guarantee that EMMMAS has chosen the path that suits all young people who want to learn music and, ultimately, it is a good decision for Sitges.

The projection of the Stämpfli Foundation
The Facilities of the Stämpfli Foundation - Contemporary Art host from the beginning of this month a new exhibition of their permanent collection. A renewed exhibition of contemporary art by artists of international renown that have been generously donated their works to the village of Sitges.

We will never be grateful enough to the Stämpflis for their love for the town that hosted them. The Foundation Stämpfli, as other previous initiatives promoted by Pere and Anna Maria, as the festival of carrer d'en Bosch or recovering valuable heritage buildings in this same street - were a gift to be thanked for all the merit they deserve. The collection of 80 works of the Foundation, which now expose 35, is a new element that strengthens and projects the cultural profile of Sitges.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

El Miramar, an all important legacy for Sitges

Last week, I signed with the Finance and Internal Resources Deputy of the Council for the Province of Barcelona, Carles Russinyol, the free transfer agreement of the Miramar Building to the Sitges City Council during a period of six years. The Miramar Building is the property of the Council for the Province of Barcelona, and is intended for municipal and administrative uses. It is the first time that the use of this building, having a significant public importance and an important part of our legacy, is transferred to the City Hall beyond the limited scope of a legislature. In other words, the duration of the agreement, which goes against the dominant trend in recent years, was conceived having our future in mind and not only our present needs. The decision blatantly ignored any political speculation about which political party will rule over the City Hall and the Council for the Province of Barcelona.

The above mentioned agreement will allow the relocation of a substantial portion of municipal offices, which for nearly two years have been concentrated at the Sitges Reference Building. Such building was located at the Pruelles area, way out of the center. The transfer is crucial to definitively put an end to the pathetic political period that gave rise to the new building, a ruinous business for the City Hall. Because of wrong decisions lacking any foresight taken by the last government, the City Hall was forced to allocate money for two counts: as an initial investment and to pay a deranged monthly rent during years that was totally absurd and should have never been paid under normal conditions. The Sitges Reference is a case study, showcasing the public administration model that led to the critical financial situation that we suffer today.

The Miramar Building will house municipal offices on the upper floors and keep the first floor and the ground floor partly for cultural and public use, hoping that such facilities will be at the service of organizations and associations of Sitges. The lack of other public facilities capable of lodging municipal offices and the express refusal of the government to spend money on unnecessary rentals, is the main reason advising the partial restructuring of Miramar Building in City Council offices. The necessary placement of municipal offices does not alter the artistic and creative function of the building in the cultural map of our town. The Department of Culture will manage the areas of ground and first floors for exhibitions, activities, screenings and other cultural initiatives.

This measure, coupled with a rigorous planning of municipal services and attention to the public, will reduce on one hand the astronomical accumulated deficit and, secondly, to recover the centrality of most municipal offices, while continuing to answer to the cultural needs of Sitges.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Property Taxes: Myths and Legends

On October 16, before a large audience at the Miramar Building Audience, our Councilor of Finance and Public Innovation, Jordi Mas, presented in open court the reasons why we were forced to revise property tax and clarified the doubts of owners properties located in Sitges. On Wednesday, I myself had the opportunity to attend a similar event with residents of Garraf and Les Botigues. I explained them the reasons and motives that compelled such an action.

For the Government I preside, it is not a satisfaction to raise taxes, let alone in times of crisis as we live. But there are times that Governments are bound to take unpleasant, unpopular and painful solutions. Even including decisions forced by mandatory law. This is one of those times.

The economic situation of the City Council is, as we all know, very rough and complex. A year and a half ago we inherited an unsustainable debt and deficit that requires urgent and essential measures for its reduction. Since we won elections and formed government, we have applied a policy of austerity that notably reduced spending. For example, salaries of elected and trust officers were reduced 400,000 Euros annually. And all items relating to investment agreements, grants and other activities have also suffered forceful drastic reductions. Let's not remember that budgets allocated to festivities were also drastically cut (the budget of our Main Festivity dropped by 50% over their original budget). Representation went down more than 80%. There was no other option due to the existing high debt and deficit. And those who now question this decision were the ones that were not rigorous and serious enough to do it when they were in power. They did not show any responsibility to people living in Sitges..

The increase in Property Tax will offset the dificcult situation faced municipal finance provoked by irresponsible and poor management of the past government. The revision of property tax is regulated by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration that determines that the assessment of property values must be madeevery ten years. The previous revision was carried in 1994, so the city of Sitges did not comply with the law for years. And not only the law, but the fact that property taxes were not raised in better economic times, as would have been more reasonable, forced us to do it in a very complex economic condition for all. The rate increase was planned to be done steps during 10 years. Next year, the average increase will be 20%: for 2014 the forecast is at 6%, and in 2015, 4%.In any way, as some groups have expressed in a malicious way, the increase does not stands at 300% or any other figure than those just given.

We are fully aware that this is hardly a measure appreciated by taxpayers, but I want that the all the residents of Sitges know that there was no other option if we did not want to take City to a dead end, the consequences of which would have been catastrophic for everyone: residents, businesses and town.
Desiring to make more bearable the increase, we enabled payment facilities (can be split into three parts) and at the same time, we have turned a line of funding for people over 65 years, since this is one of segments of the population that accumulates more difficulties. The recipients of the grants can process them through Oficina d'Atenció Ciutadana (Public Attention Office) until next 31 October.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Approaching the Festival to Sitges

Sunday ended 45th edition of the Sitges - International Film Festival of Catalonia with a resounding public success and feeling very positive for the town: the Festival is approaching to Sitges.Actions such short documentaries on the beach, the decoration of streets and venues of potentiation offered by Retiro, with a second opening of the Festival or the Prado, with preclosing gala.
From the Town Hall of Sitges we are aware of the importance of associating the festival with the image of our town.It was noy (and is not) sufficient the presence of the mane of the town at the contest, it is necessary to display its geographical and social. the very same place where the Festival was born since it is a undentifiable part of its genesos but also of his character anf future.Sitges, as an population and sentiment, is a central part of this film event.
Sitges 2012 chose this path and has made that ​​the most characteristic places of our town were present in all the media.A clear example is the TV report that will be aired on Cinema 3 of TV3, with an exclusive interview with filmmaker Neil Jordan filmed om por promenade with our church as background.
Another important fact has been conducting talks after screenings of films (postscreenings) in the Prado, Retiro and other nof profit ocial institutions of our town that aso act as movie theaters.This action reinforces the role of the two movie theaters in the town as places with their own strength and presence in the programming of a festival, that screened more than 250 films thanks to the fantastic work of a team led by Angel Sala. I feel I have to highlight the involvement of sponsors who continue to rely on the festival, I must also rely the importance of restaurateurs that prepared The Fantastic Menú ,stores have prepared their shops and windows for the ocasion, or many children from schools of Sitges that made drawns of festival to show it to everyone that walked our streets these days.
Much remains to be done, but the most important thing is that we already begun to walk in a direction that favors Sitges, wich includes the town's economic revitalization.The Festival can not be understood without Sitges and its people.The year's edition has shown that the Festival returns to undertake an orientation that includes and unites the the most important festival of the world in his specialization, and that our population in intimately associated with the Festival since its it birth and has seen it grow and become part of its DNA.

Friday, October 5, 2012

An entirely fantastic Sitges

Today we inaugurate the 45th edition of the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia for all of us, the festival. For ten days, Sitges attracts the attention of film lovers, especially those with a craving for fantastic films. They make our town a destination for film lovers, artists, institutions and representatives of industry and the media.

Last night I had the opportunity to meet with the team and volunteers who make possible the organization and operation of the Festival and I delivered a message: during those ten days you have the Sitges Brand in your hands. . The Festival is an initiative of Sitges with an important international projection. The cost of the impact it has on the media is an exceptional investment, which allows the name of our town to be known everywhere.

The Festival was born 45 years ago thanks to the initiative of a group of people from Sitges. During this time, it has grown and expanded formats, it has changed its name, has adapted to the new demands and needs and has become the most important film festival specialized in fantasy films in the world. For Sitges, it is a first-class event and a source of satisfaction. We are very prideful for the level of recognition that the Festival enjoys today.

This year, just as last year's festival, we have stressed its character as a genuine cultural product from Sitges. The double feature inauguration tonight gathers such an ambiance, a top priority for the City Hall. The auditorium at the Melia is a first class facility, whereby the Festival has achieved a projection that in no way would have been possible. But, a Festival without Sitges, its milieu and atmosphere would not be what it is. For this reason, the right balance of the two factors and its perfect combination is the key to transform the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia, the festival into a first-class cultural event. And we feel proud.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Festivity that seduces us

Santa Tecla marks the end of our calendar of summer festivities. It's the end of the season, the right moment to close one door and open another. It is just when Sitges finds itself and reckons its environment. It is just like the fall ambiance, that changes and returns in a more pristine way. Santa Tecla is a Festivity that we have learned to love even more as time passes, a Festivity engrained in our DNA. More than a celebration, we are talking about a heartfelt feeling.

With your permission, I will repeat the greeting of Santa Tecla.

"More than a celebration, we are talking about a heartfelt feeling

Flageolets, bagpipers, drums, powder, sticks beating the ground or against each other, the band and the Cobla, the traditional Catalan music ensemble used to accompany Sardanas. For Santa Tecla, everything is combined in a balanced and dynamic symphony, that makes us enjoy the Festivity in a frenzied pace, and in a fun for the whole family mood. And all the people that share a feeling of brotherhood become a big family, all those that share a feeling and an outright love for a Festivity that we live with passion and commitment. 

The world stops as the communion of all these elements takes the streets. The kids are no longer mere spectators to become the real stars of the festivity. For many, such an event represents weeks of hard work and assays, threading needles and sewing so all the kiddy dances and interludes, kiddy giants and beasts of fire look splendorous for the people who are waiting anxiously. Each contribution is necessary, every job is important, and all efforts add up to birth a feeling that goes beyond the celebration. 

All such things added together produce a feeling that, this year, will expand beyond the Old Town to approach the neighborhood of Poble Sec, thanks Sandra Rubí, the person that accompanies the banner of the Procession of Santa Tecla. The Civic Procession of 22 September will follow a very peculiar route that will begin in Carrer de Pins Vens, will visit Cases Noves and will have to overcome the railroad tracks and reach the Parish, leaving behind never seen images of dances and interludes on streets that had never seen them. 

Without prejudice to regulations related to opening hours of shops in tourist towns, and respecting the rights granted to civil servants, the Town Council dearly recommends to all business owners to keep their shops closed, so everybody can enjoy such an important celebration.

In addition, it is requested not to park any vehicle on the route of the Civic Procession of 22 September, and on the route of the Kiddy Matinee and the Procession of Santa Tecla on 23 September. Without prejudice to any possible application of the law in case of unlawful parking, the Town Hall will not be liable for any damage that may occur as a result of the development of events related to Santa Tecla in the above mentioned streets to properties, such properties include vehicles, shop awnings and windows and homes.

Just a few weeks ago, Sitges held its Main Festivity and, during the next days, we will repeat again the sounds, images and smells that are typical of our idiosyncrasy, everything that makes us feel as people from Sitges. We will do it for Santa Tecla, our Patron Saint, and for our traditions, the traditions of Sitges and our country. 

To all residents of Sitges, enjoy the Festivity! Let the entire family gout out and celebrate, let children show off all the work they have done to honor our Patron Saint. Let friends and acquaintances reunite to share moments decorated with feeling. Please, participate, but do it with respect and civility, and experience Santa Tecla with the intensity it deserves.
Long live Sitges and long live Santa Tecla!

Miquel Forns i Fusté
Mayor of Sitges"

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Sept. 11 bound to be a historical milestone

A year ago, Sitges played a very important role in the official celebration of the National Day of Catalonia. All residents of Sitges were thrilled by the participation of our iconic Moixiganga dance in such an important celebration, organized by the Catalonian Government.

A year later, the scenario offered by the Spanish state shows the signs of a terrible upheaval. The hunger for Catalonian Independence has experienced a dramatic growth, and now is shared by most of the inhabitants of our country. The current situation marked by a devastating crisis is one of the reasons, since the fiscal deficit of Catalonia is terribly unfair for Catalans, but the growing and overhanging sensation that the Spanish State has not assumed and will not assume our national identity as a nation among nations, has boosted the number of Catalans that believe that the only possible solution is to break away from Spain.

Our National Day is an institutional commemoration and a festivity, but has never ceased to be a day for demands, at least for those that believe in the full independence of our country. This year, the demanding character has acquired a heightened importance, because most Catalans feel that we must take a step forward to insure our future as a Nation and the welfare of our citizens.

If I may, I will reproduce the PROCLAMATION published for the National Day: 


To all people living in Sitges,

As every year, the National Day held on the Eleventh of September also comes to our town. A day in which we commemorate the events of September 11, 1714. We pay tribute to the figure of Rafael Casanova and to all the Catalans who fought and died for the freedom and rights of Catalonia.

September 11 also serves to vindicate our desire to be ourselves, to have our own culture, our own language and our institutions. Our country is very proud and lives it with legitimacy; hence, we will never surrender our identity and our sovereignty.

It is therefore necessary, much more in a time of severe turmoil, to leave aside what divides us and materialize everything that unites us all. We need unit, but also loyalty to our country and its institutions. The fate of the Catalan nation is in the hands of all and we require an uncompromising commitment.

Catalonia needs us. From the towns and cities of our country, we can contribute to return our beloved land to its fully deserved place. Our council is committed to the country and therefore, in our National Day, we are contributing our bit to build a Catalonia founded on progress, equality, freedom and social justice, the Catalonia we all want.

We need more than ever to defend Catalonia, show it to the world, so we invite you to adorn your balconies with the flag of our country, the "senyera".

I also invite you to live our National Day in an intense manner, and take part in the official ceremony that will be held in Sitges, September 11 at 11 am, in front of the monument to Doctor Robert at the Town Hall Square.

We live National Day with our freedom looming over the horizon.

Long live Sitges! Long live Catalonia!

Miquel Forn i Fusté
Mayor of Sitges "

Friday, August 31, 2012

Yes, it was a good Town Festival (and that makes us happier)

It was a good Town Festival. This is the feeling hovering over the Commission, Festival Groups and the whole town. From the onset, the economic situation was an obstacle capable of impairing the splendor and brilliance that our largest Festival deserves and merits.But, just as in the case of previous festivals affected by budget cuts (Three Kings's Parade, Carnival, Corpus ...), the Town Festival easely overcame economic constraints, and showed that with less money and more imagination, it is also possible to celebrate top level events.

The efforts made by the Commission of the Town Festival and Santa Tecla, Festival Groups and organizations deserves our outright recognition. The dedication, patience and enthusiasm shown by the people that make the Town Festival, is one of the best elements that helps to understand why our Town Festival is really unique. Some of the formulas conceived by the Commission to obtain alternative income, while created at the same tieme new forms of participation and enjoyment of the Town Festival, had a remarkable acceptance. The group of more than 600 people that participated in the initiative "Fireworks in peace and quiet" are a living proof. The proposal launched by Friends of the Town Festival was also positive, with nearly 1,300 friends. It is a path that has future and that future editions can still elaborate on it.

On the negative balance, I can not avoid to mention incidents that took place the night of the Town Festival on the seafront. They were sad and worrying, not only for the violence that occurred, but for the threat that in represents for any resident of Sitges that wants to experience the festival with the proper civility. Such violent acts are not isolated or unique of Sitges, as many other cities have experienced similar problems this summer, but we must take note and know how to respond with appropriate action. We can not afford that Festivals (in this case, not only the Town Festival, but other local celebrations) ends up threatened by such events.

Once the Town Festival is in the past, we are wating that the calendar of festivities will takes us to the Verema (Wine Harvest), September 11 (which this year takes on a more significant stand due to the situation faced by the country and our collective aspirations) and Santa Tecla. Sitges expects a new cycle whose underlying principle is the same that we have applied to the Town Festival: effort and imagination to overcome adversity.

Photography of Marta Fontanals

Friday, August 17, 2012

Illegal flea markets: buyers will also be fined

Last week, we announced a campaign that will also impose fines on buyers purchasing in illegal flea markets or "Top Mantas" in our town. Just another step forward in the war against illegal flea markets, carried out by the municipal government in recent months. Since March we are engaged in a campaign to exert pressure on illegal flea markets.
The proliferation of illegal street sellers, also known as "Top Manta", is a problem for many tourist towns of our country. From the city of Barcelona to other minor destinations, the constant presence of illegal sellers - perfectly organized to evade police pressure - has increased in recent years. In fact, this is not strictly Catalan or Spanish issue, but common in many other European destinations. 
The current important crisis has favored its spread, so now it is an important problem on the streets of cities and towns, provoked at the same time by the massive influx of immigrants during the first decade of this century. In Sitges, illegal flee market sellers or "Top Manta" are a problem for two reasons: firstly, because they represent an unfair competition for businesses that pay their taxes and keep their businesses open the entire year, and another because their presence hurts the image of quality tourism that distinguish and pursues our town.
The concentration of "Top Manta" in the same area (formed by the lower section of Parellades street, Marques de Mont-Roig and Primer de Maig) provokes the logical anger of shopkeepers in this area. And they are right. I told them so at the meetings that we held to address this situation.
The City Council is aware of this situation and, therefore, from Easter the police are applying pressure that has intensified during the present summer. The officers of the local police, as well as Mossos d'Esquadra or the support of the National Police, have intensified their persecution of illegal sellers. Thanks to such actions, we have reduced their presence.
But we know that this is insufficient and, accordingly, we wanted to make another step forward. For this reason, we will begin to apply penalties to buyers of illegal products. Citizens should be aware that when they buy "Top Manta" products, they are contributing to this problem.
The sum of the persecution of "Top Mantas", the reinforcement of police during the remainder of the summer campaign and new fines to buyers, will contribute to reduce and eventually eliminate this issue. It will not be easy. As I said before, it is not strictly a local problem and we must be aware of the social and economic environment that encourages it, but we work firmly to remove this problem.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sports Night: Night of sensations

Last Friday 27, we held Sports Night Sitges 2012. Once again, this evening was a stage focused on awards, individual and collective satisfactions and heartfelt sensations, because sports are one of the strongest social fabrics holding together our town.

Sitges has a widely recognized international presence in several areas, including culture, tourism, festivals and entertainment. Sports are not precisely one of the activities capable of providing space in the media, just as the other events mentioned. But sports have a strong and plural social base in continuous projection, thanks especially to the role played by active sport organizations that are a showcase of the best we have to offer as a community.

The City Hall is well aware of this reality and the potential that surrounds it. And in this sense, the work undertaken Councilor Vinyet Lluís, despite the difficult economic situation that surrounds us, is oriented to strengthen the development of sports and the values it generates.
Next, I'll reproduce the speech I made during Sports Night:

"Good afternoon,
It is a pleasure to hold a new edition of Sports Night Sitges. We are also holding it in a day in which the whole world is waiting expectantly for the start of the 2012 London Olympics. 

If you do not mind my comparison, today, for us here, Sports Night Sitges is as or even more important for two reasons: this year will be our 27th edition, a figure that brings us to the celebration of 30 years, and in second place, because we reward work, effort and achievements of those that are closest to us, local athletes. 

But apart from giving awards to the best athletes from Sitges during the 2011-2012 seasons, I want to take advantage of this evening to share with you a figure that will help us grasp the dimension of sports in Sitges. And, as stated by Councilor Vinyet Lluís, all municipal facilities are used 660,000 times annually, and we should also add private facilities that also account for a large number of users. 

The figure is quite considerable and encompasses, beyond those that are more or less professional, many more, among whom I include myself. Many of us are aware of mens sana in corpore sano and share the interest and the need to keep us active and fit.

We have in mind that many of us are into sports, but we also realize that the current economic situation is affecting all industries and sport is not excluded, unfortunately. 

However, if we take into account the aforementioned dimension of sports in our municipality, the City Hall of Sitges has made an effort to maintain the budgetary contribution allocated to municipal sports facilities. We speak of a total of about 500,000 Euros allocated to maintaining facilities operating with the same high standards we have had so far. 

This is the commitment of our Municipal Government, because we believe this is the way in which we can support all the athletes, so that we can celebrate this annual night of awards and achievements, so they can continue obtaining awards that, in addition to your professional reputation, make the name of Sitges famous everywhere thanks to every one of you.  

We can't forget all the organizations, since there are a large number of athletes who shelter under the umbrella of the large number of clubs and associations we have in Sitges. Organizations that promote education about healthy living and promote grassroots sports, often as a starting point for their activities. 

Those organizations move hundreds of people and, despite the Government's commitment to be at your side, you have to ask for help, because without the understanding of all of us it will be difficult to deal with the present situation marked by austerity. We must innovate, optimize the resources we have and be creative and supportive to continue enjoying a permanent improvement of the sports offer in Sitges. 
Finally I congratulate all those who will receive awards today and encourage you to continue on, forever, to celebrate many more successes. 

Thanks and Congratulations! "

Thursday, July 19, 2012

On day 24, Public Hearing

On Tuesday 24, at 20 hours, I will present to the citizens of the town the first year balance of the municipal government. The current municipal government is a coalition formed in June 2011 by CiU, PP, SGI and NH in order to achieve an improvement in the City Hall of Sitges in a very difficult context. The event was organized so that representatives of organizations and associations and all of Sitges can transmit their questions, suggestions or complaints to the Mayor.

The event was designed with the format of Public Hearing, which emphasize its institutional character, while reaffirming its condition as an open and diverse discussion. From the onset, this government has the firm determination to strengthen all communication channels with our citizens. It is a basic principle present in the basis of our institutional actions and we try to apply it at all times, although, sometimes, not always at the level of intensity that we all want, but with effort and goodwill we will improve it day by day.

For this reason, I invite all the residents of Sitges to attend and participate in the Public Hearing. For those who cannot be there physically, we have created an electronic option so they can send their opinions via email

First year in office: an assessment 
Balance of the first year

THE TOWN FESTIVAL OS REVVING UP THEIR ENGINES.I will take advantage of this opportunity to congratulate the festival towncrier of this year, Miquel Marzal, and the banner carriers, Trino Carbonell and Rubí, with whom I share many things, including our love for our town. At the same time, I encourage the Commission of our Main Festivity so than even with the cut of 55%, they will continue working with the intensity, imagination and ingenuity that they are applying to achieve a good Festival, despite the adverse economic climate.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hotel investments: Sitges generates trust

During the early 90's, Sitges witnessed a hotel boom reflected in the opening of new high category hotels, and in the refurbishment and reconversion of existing ones. In a very short period, we went from two 4-star hotels to eight. The commitment of Sitges to attract business conventions & congresses, the task carried out by the hospitality industry to break seasonality, and all the prospects brought about by Barcelona Olympics in 1992, were elements that favored the necessary tourist boost in Sitges. The tourist industry was modernized and the city gained new economic horizons thanks to a more competitive and higher quality offer, capable of generating revenues during the entire year, instead of the trend of previous decades, which concentrated almost all revenues in the few months of the season.

Twenty years later, Sitges is experiencing a similar process. The economic situation is substantially different (the current crisis is far harsher that the one experienced in the undertow of 92), although the point of departure is not comparable. The conversion and refurbishment carried out in that era was the foundation that allowed us to develop a competitive tourist industry, not living uniquely of the legacy left by different generations thanks to the strength of the brand, but also from its current capacity, with quality infrastructures and services.

And just like two decades ago, private investment, very much in the hands of families from Sitges, is also committed with providing quality facilities for Sitges. Today, despite the deep crisis, the hotel map of the town is expanding with significant initiatives which improve our overall supply, and thus, our market position. Two weeks ago, Medium Sitges Park Hotel opened in a building created by architect Gaietà Buigas in our town, a very interesting and creative project that wants to participate in our local reality. Recently, Hotel Utopia opened doors. A new concept of facility with 145 beds focused on the general public and with affordable prices. The same family acquired Hotel Romantic, a building that constitutes another Art Nouveau marvel. The investors will refurbish 22 rooms that will be in full operation next year. In a similar way, Hotel Alba, one of the small hotels leaders in family tourism, so important for our model, has undergone a major renovation, and is reborn with the name of Hotel Sitges. I also have to consider the outstanding investment being made in the Avenida Sofia Hotel Spa, which shows that Sitges is a town that builds trust. The process that surrounded this building since the previous municipal government granted the first construction permit was a wealth of absurdities. Such an irregular process help to stress that compliance with laws should always be an essential point.

In the last two decades, Sitges probably witnessed too many things done in a wreckless way. The excessive and disproportionate commitment with the construction industry was, in some occasions, very damaging for the economic base of this town during the last half century: tourism, which should always be accompanied by the tag "quality" when referring to Sitges. For this reason, and responding to one of the essential items contained in the agreement signed just over a year ago by the four political parties comprising the municipal government, this Council will work to achieve positive economic initiatives for our town, and will provide to the organizers the necessary facilities to make them a reality.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First year in office: an assessment

Last week I presented, alongside with colleagues from the Governing Body, the results and the assessment of the first year in office. After the first twelve months, it is time to transmit to citizens the first assessments and reflections on the management of the municipal government, and make the appropriate assessments and reflections.

When, on 11 June 2011, the thirteen councilors of CiU, PP, SGI and NH formed the new government, as a result of the clear desire of the residents of Sitges, most of which requested a change in the erratic policy of previous years, we were aware that we had inherited a complex situation, a very difficult situation. As I stated at the press conference last week, the first year of government was often marked by sacrifices, abandoned projects and difficult decisions provoked by the dire financial situation inherited by the City Council.

However, it was also a very busy year. The thirteen councilors who form the Government carried out intense work based on three pillars: drawing the lines of governmental action (within the framework of the Governance Plan), redress and internally manage their respective responsibilities and strengthening dialogue and support with civil society. Such a support is not always possible to perform financially, but also it has been shown that it can be channeled through different formats, sometimes more effective and viable than purely economic channels.

The first year of government was a year of intense work, imaginative solutions, intact illusions and trust in the future, notwithstanding the somber economic situation. The inherited situation and the difficult economic environment has been, in this sense, an obstacle that limited our scope of action, but also proved a stimulus to seek new ways and strive even more to find alternatives.

Probably, it is still too early to assess important results, but have already displayed some significant outcomes: it was possible to halve the debt to suppliers, save on personnel costs, redirect the reform of museums to protect and safeguard our historical legacy, implement a plan to reform sidewalks, implement measures to promote tourism that are beginning show positive results, prepare a stable program for libraries, implement measures to support the needy and social organizations and ensure the construction of the school Agnes de Sitges, among many other tasks. In addition, we just began to work to announce major projects for the future of Sitges. Projects that involve public and private partnership and that unlike the past, will not be announced until their full confirmation. We will not fall into the trap of selling projects that are all smoke and mirrors or false expectations. Sitges still is a place of opportunity and I can guarantee that we are working to strengthen them.

In a general manner, I would like to dwell specially in the implementation of a new culture that values small actions that help us make Sitges more human. A culture that places the City Hall in the same side that residents, and that is pursue of new opportunities for all residents of Sitges. The path is long and uphill, but the backpack is full of ideas, enthusiasm and spirit of service.

Balance of the first year in office (see documentation)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Corpus Christi is always there

Corpus Christi left us with a good taste in our mouths. During a period of economic turmoil and in a weekend bearing somber economic news, Corpus Christi has again extended its unlimited charm and its ability to seduce us all. The flower carpets displayed their usual splendor, the balconies displayed their merriest face, the exhibition of carnations was a color explosion, the procession moved us, the Giants captivated our hearts again, and the festivity received a first level recognition thanks to its inauguration by Joana Ortega, Vice President of the Catalan Autonomous Government.

Corpus Christi is an equalitarian symbiosis of creativity, participation and friendship. The flower carpets are the result of a careful work, which required previous dedication and hands willing to draw spring inspired images, capable of drawing glances of complicity among people living in Sitges and visitors. The groups of neighbors, friends or members of organizations that come together to make flower carpets, is one of the signs that show us that Sitges still is and must remain being a village, with all the positive components that identify the word.

This year, Corpus Christi has shown that the capacity of the festival is quite solid. The financial constraints curtailed the budget, but the result, in the eyes of visitors and people from Sitges, was relative. As was the case with the Three Kings Parade and Carnival, the efforts of organizations and the dedication of the people who worked on the festivity, contributed to minimize budget cuts and, at the same time, demonstrated their ability to charm us entirely.

And we must not forget that for Sitges, Corpus Christi is a big attraction that will help our economic recovery. Sunday, several buses and a long line of vehicles came to Sitges to watch our flower carpets and spend the day in the town, good news that should be welcomed.

Once Corpus Christi is over, there are new activities coming up such as the Festival of Poetry and Sitges Fashion Weekend. Such events will highlight the name of Sitges again in the cultural, socioeconomic and entertainment media, stressing that the dynamism that sets Sitges apart from competitors remains firm and intact.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Leverage all major events

Last week, Sitges became the meeting venue of Cercle d'Economia (Economic Circle). Once again, our town hosted an all important event that occupied the forefront of all the economic media. The event allowed us to place the name of our town in a preferential and privileged position.
The meeting of Cercle d'Economia, and also other important events such as the Film Festival, Carnival, Vintage Car Rally and the array of social, cultural and economic activities held in Sitges, constitute an excellent cover letter for our town. In some cases, our town is the venue, in others, the driving engine, and in others, the genesis of the initiative, but in all cases, the event is an opportunity thanks to the media coverage it provides, which places the name of Sitges at the front-page of all the media.

The meeting of Cercle d'Economia can be sorted as an event in which Sitges is the scenario of the venue, and thanks to its characteristics, location and facilities, the town hosts an external initiative with an extraordinary impact and influence. Just the fact that it happens here is positive due to the direct and indirect effects generated. But if we also achieve that participants take with them the image that Sitges is a town opportunities, with a strong financial capacity and a very active cultural life, the investment will be even more effective.

This is precisely what we did in this year's meeting of Cercle d'Economia. This year, participants had the opportunity to get a closer and more effective look at our reality. The dinner offered by the organization (at their own expense) at the Miramar building - where some participants wanted to visit the exhibition about the works on Cau Ferrat, is a clear indicator. But especially, I want to stress that the City Council has promoted the program Sitges Investor, which aims to create agreements between public and private sectors for economic growth. Taking advantage of the meeting of the Cercle, we presented this program to many participating entrepreneurs and corporation managers, who have met the program positively and have shown interest in the possibilities and opportunities offered by Sitges.

Sitges Investor is a long distance program, designed to capitalize on the events taking place in the town and look for new initiatives. The program will get results if we take advantage of the opportunities offered by initiatives such as the meeting of Cercle d'Economia and many other congressional, social or cultural events held in Sitges.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Third Sector

Last week, we held a meeting with sectoral organizations that provide social support to needy people. The meeting was very positive thanks to the will to promote joint agreements and initiatives. But there was also a reason of concern because data, analysis and the experience provided by active professionals and volunteers, confirm that poverty is also gaining ground in Sitges. The number of people suffering from extreme poverty is growing.

Among the resolutions adopted at the meeting was the creation of the Third Sector Roundtable. The Roundtable will allow organizations working in this area to establish joint cooperation lines, share information and become organized in a flexible and swift manner. The organizations that attended the first meeting and, therefore, will be part of the Roundtable are: Càritas Ajuda Fraterna (Caritas Fraternal Aid), Creu Roja Sitges (Red Cross Sitges), Fundació Ave Maria (Ave Maria Foundation), Fundació Hospital Sant Joan Baptista (St. John the Baptist Hospital Foundation), Fundació La Granja, Associació AMIS (AMIS Association), ONCE Garraf, Municipal Senior Home, Agrupament Escolta Nostra Senyora del Vinyet (Scout Our Lady of Vinyet), Latin American Association Garraf, Gay Sitges Link,  Garraf Foster Care Foundation, Vida Útil Private Foundation. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 31, at 19.30 at the Red Cross, and is also open to other sectoral associations wishing to join forces.

We often have a wrong image about the impact of poverty. We tend to relate poverty to situations and environments far away from our reality. Crass Error. There are people suffering from poverty in Sitges, and not precisely few. The profile of people applying for aid is changing and needs have expanded, now including more plural segments. There are instances that require fast and expedient action because the situation has reached unsustainable levels.

As a City Council, but also as a society, we have the moral obligation to respond to this situation. On one side, acting with discretion but with efficiency, we must engage in actions to meet impending needs. We are engaged in such actions right now. But above all, the final intent is to provide instruments to neutralize the impact as much as possible, being well aware of our obvious limitations and that the economic situation is very far from buoyant. For all the above, I can guarantee that the City Council and Councilman Marc Martinez will not spare efforts to fight poverty and look for suitable alternatives.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good news for suppliers

This week, we will sign the loan with eleven banks. Such a loan will allow us to cover the debt of 12.8 million € incurred during the years 2008 and 2011 with different suppliers. We will make use of Royal Decree Law 4/2012. The measure is very good news for many small and medium enterprises in town in and the surrounding region, now they can receive payment -late payment- for jobs they performed in the past. Unpaid bills were an excessive burden for many of those companies.

The loans, amounting to 12.8 million €, correspond to 3.095 invoices recorded by the City Hall of Sitges, the Tourism Promotion Agency and "Societat Sitges Model XXI". The loan will be returned in 10 years with an interest rate of 5.9%. Such a rate will be applied during the first quarter and will be revised afterwards. Last week, the Municipal House approved the arrangement of the loan, a crucial step for signing the loan with different banks.

Since we gained access to municipal government a year ago, payment to suppliers has been a number one priority in our financial management policy. In this context, we included our first urgent measure in which we ordered payment of invoices below 1,500 Euros, corresponding mainly to small and independent businesses located in Sitges. According to the same principle, we are adopting a policy of budgetary constraints and reduced spending, which only authorizes the procurement of services and investments that have their corresponding budget allocation.

The above mentioned operations constitute a source of reflection for the current government, that wants to prevent the recurrence of situations like those recorded in recent years. The former government spent money they did not have, and had no qualms about increasing credit ad infinitum. The new political culture based on austerity in public spending is quite tough for people; they witness how services and benefits are reduced or suppressed. It is also quite tough for the municipal government, since their field of action is more limited. However, the positive lesson that we learned from such situations is that a general policy based on severe budgetary constraints is the best warranty to insure that resources are used in a responsible manner. Suppliers and citizens at large can rest reassured of our commitment.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Last Friday marked the beginning of a new edition of Sitges Tapa a Tapa, the successful initiative of several restaurants and bars associated with the Restaurant and Lodging Association of Sitges. The initiative offers specially prepared "tapas" for the event during ten days. Until next Sunday, twenty bars and restaurants in Sitges will participate in this exciting initiative, which last year raised the attention of consumers and attracted new customers to participating bars and restaurants. 

The campaign Sitges Tapa a Tapa shows that the combination of talent, drive and work are good allies to obtain results. During the first days of this year's campaign, the public tried the offers of each bar and restaurant, and they realized that the initiative is positive for all stakeholders: bars and restaurants, since they get more clients and exposure; consumers, because they can enjoy attractive offers, and the entire Sitges and our Sitges Brand, because the event reinforces our position and generates direct and indirect traffic to town.

Although we are going through difficult times, such initiatives are an actual proof that Sitges has an enormous potential for future growth. Sitges Tapa a Tapa is just an example of the entrepreneurial nature of our tourism industry, which has always been at the forefront of initiatives to boost the economy. In fact, the Restaurant and Lodging Association of Sitges was an extremely innovative organization when initially chartered, afterwards other organizations or trades joined forces to win together. The City Council will always support all such positive initiatives for Sitges and all residents.

La Montserrat Almirall. Last week, we lost a woman from Sitges that was very dear for several generations of "Sitgetans", "la Montserrat Almirall", "la senyu". When Montserrat passed away, the entire town felt a unanimous and saddening shudder. Her virtuous hands and her teaching spirit awoke a yearning for music among hundreds of local residents. Few places like her home, at the Francesc Gumà Street, have been such an authorized reference for music and a symbol of many memories for boys that are now grownups. They will be always accompanied by the bars and lessons learned with her piano teacher.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Saint George's Day: a very special day

Today is Saint George's Day. Just as the Town's Festival is the most important celebration for all the residents of Sitges, Saint George's Day involves the same for Catalans. We have several significant festivities in our calendar (Eleventh of September, Christmas, Easter ...), but Saint George's Day boasts a special flavor thanks to the tradition of giving away a book and a rose, a great contribution that Catalans have made to global culture. Saint George's Day amounts to peruse and buy books, a fully recommended activity, and have them signed by the author. It also amounts to walk around and participate in cultural activities, and express and display our feelings. It's a date that I fully enjoy, as many other Catalans. Now, acting as Mayor of Sitges, I will experience the festivity with a different implication and intensity, but with the same heartfelt emotions.

In recent years, Saint George's Day has acquired a significant projection in Sitges. In times of Pere Junyent, with Marc Martinez acting as Councilman of Culture, the City Council brought together all the activities organized by cultural entities under a common umbrella, to grant them a greater dimension and achieve a merrier celebration. It was a success which has been maintained during years. Today, the festivity is fully consolidated. Years later, the celebration was moved wisely to the promenade, to promote its growth and overcome the limitations of l'Hort de Can Falç or Cap de la Vila.

This year, the book fair, florists and cultural entities will also be the meeting point for all the inhabitants of Sitges. The difficult economic situation that affects the City Hall, which forces us to rationalize the cost to correct the deficit, also forced us to consider the option of sharing costs with participating companies and associations, something that involved an important hike in municipal fees in comparison with other years. Finally, however, we found together a solution that allowed maintaining the celebration with the same charm and high level, without involving an extra cost for exhibitors or the City Hall. Therefore, today we will witness again people swarming among books, roses and cultural entities that also project their image.

Saint George's Day took place last weekend. There were different book presentations, fully displaying the link with our profile as arts village, or yesterday's fantastic performance of "La Jove de Sitges" (Human Towers) at Cap de la Vila, with five of seven and four of seven with needle. Today evening, and also at Cap de la Vila, we will have the opportunity to put an end to one of the most beautiful days of the year with a Sardana dance with Cobla Maricel.

Good Saint George's Day to all!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Garraf and Botigues; two places with their own realities

Last week, I participated along with other components of the Municipal Government in the Municipal Council of Garraf and Botigues. The main goal of the meeting was to devise a plan of action for the two locations for the coming months, so the needs of the residents could become the real roadmap of the City Hall for the two locations. It was a pleasant meeting, but above all it was an especially rewarding one, because we share a way of doing things that must be the rule to govern the municipal action plan. Such actions must answer both to our limited financial possibilities and to the real needs of both sectors.

During recent years, Sitges and also the rest of the country witnessed public works, sometimes accompanied by substantial investments, that were not only not necessary to improve the quality of life, but that also were totally unnecessary. The use and abuse of this way of managing public assets is one of the reasons that led us to the extreme difficulties we are now facing. 

It is significant, however, that Garraf and Botigues have the feeling that the past boom years did not leave the investments they deserved, and that now it is not possible to answer to all desired implementations. The situation is doubly complex because both sectors deserve the implementation of works that are necessary and fully justified.

Therefore, our plan for Botigues and Garraf is based in work carried out in close collaboration with the neighbors. In this sense, the work carried out by the Territorial Councilor Lluis Marcé and by the Participation Councilor Josep Moliné is crucial, and shows the willingness of the local government to implement actions that involve effective and real environmental improvements. Residents and the City Hall have activated jointly all the priorities that involve improvement of access to both areas, beach-cleaning and maintenance of public roads. This form of public implementation that encourages participation and responds to the real needs of residents is the line on which we want to base our policy of service planning and implementation in public roads.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Quality services in our beaches

Two weeks ago, the Tourist Association of Beach Services (ATSP for its acronym in Catalan) inaugurated the acts of commemoration of its 25th anniversary. To open a full commemorative program, the Association organized the roundtable Building a new tourism in Sitges, where I had the honor to participate, along with other Government Team members such as Jorge Carretero, Lluis Marcé and Ignasi Garrigó, the president of ATSP, Manuel Martinez, and the director of Hotel Terramar, Fran Marcé. The debate highlighted that challenges faced by the tourism industry in Sitges are directly related with quality, both in providing services and in the supply of equipment and facilities. The owners and employees of beach services such as restaurants, hotels and apartments, are in this sense, the main actors in conveying the image of our town among tourists.

The beach season has started this weekend, coinciding with Easter. It also implies the beginning of the summer season, when our town pours most of its efforts on our major economic sector: tourism.  Therefore, we must welcome the arrival of the season with the support they deserve, and the trust that the good work done during previous months will lead to positive results, despite the current difficult situation.

During the nineties, Sitges made a smart bet in favor of deseasonalization, with the aim that tourism could be maintained during almost all year. It was a necessary step to adapt to changing times and improve our competitiveness as a first class tourism Mecca. The efforts and the strategic bet made by the local tourism industry paid off (in a few years, we went from two four-star hotels to eight) and Sitges became a major favorite destination for conferences and conventions, such goal remains a reality that we promote dearly.
The task to become a prominent location for business meetings cannot leave behind or outside the policies to provide beaches with all the necessary quality services. Business conventions must be compatible with the tourism of sun and beach, as well as with cultural and sports tourism.

For all the above reasons, the City Hall produced a Beach Use Plan 2012-2016. The plan strives for imagination, quality and maximum safety on our beaches. Last year, more than 13 beaches in Sitges were granted the EMAS award (Community System for Ecomanagement and Eco-audit), managed by member states of the European Union based on reference standards ISO 14001. Such a fact recognized our efforts in favor of competitiveness and quality, and showed us the path to follow.

Time for “Caramelles”. “Caramelles” are one of the festive expressions of Sitges. To hear and sing "Caramelles" also means Easter, spring, music and lyrics of our teachers, our mountains ... and "sitgetanisme". This year, the three groups of "Caramelles" have launched, in conjunction with the City Hall, the "Give away Caramelles" promotion campaign, whereby families from Sitges have the opportunity to bring their songs to the balconies of their homes and collaborate in this way with the groups. I invite you to sing, listen and give away “Caramelles”.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A difficult but hopeful budget

Monday night, the Municipal House approved the budget of the City Council for 2012. This is the first budget of the government formed last June as a result of the outcome of recent elections. The budget was approved three months later than planned because, in a responsible manner, we conditioned approval upon the outcome of negotiations with employee representatives of the Corporation, as it directly affects municipal accounts. The budget was approved with votes in favor of the municipal government and the abstention of the Socialist Group. I want to publicly acknowledge the sense of responsibility shown in this episode.

The budget submitted by the Government draws five main values ​​that are absolutely essential in our policy, and that also constitute the core of this document: social justice and equality, austerity, transparency, reliability, and rigor and sense of duty. These five areas are the foundation of the lines of income and expenses that the City Hall and its agencies will apply during the current year.

The budgeting process has been difficult, without the ability, dedication and applied financial engineering of the Deputy Mayor for Finance, Jordi Mas, we would hardly been able to bring it to fruition. It is a difficult budget as it includes necessary restrictions, containment in expenditure and drastic reductions in investment. The situation faced by municipal finances forced the application of special measures, and especially the introduction of a new political culture, which makes austerity and the exercise of responsibility the foundation of a good government.

But it is also a budget that makes a firm commitment in favor of concrete social policies and services, which encompass a broad chapter called "Sitges of the people." This is the most important part (19.3%) of the total 48.7 million making up the budget, after the part which is unfortunately the larger (37.8%), which is intended to narrow our serious budget deficit. As a "Sitges of the people", we understand social policies, initiatives to support families and groups and actions aimed at improving the quality of life of all the inhabitants of Sitges. The approved document also contains, despite the forced restrictions, items intended for the socio-economic revitalization of the town.

The 2012 budget was made possible thanks to the efforts applied by many sectors of the town: organizations, societies and all the universe of festivities, all those sectors offset the decline in their respective budget lines with an increase in personal or collective dedication; companies and self-employed of Sitges that assumed the irrational late payments of their bills by the City Hall, the group of employees of the City Hall that agreed to give up certain rights acquired to avoid the reduction of staff; and all the citizens of the municipality, who must give up some services or facilities due to the serious situation affecting municipal finances. I want to thank all these sectors, groups and citizens, and I also want to encourage them to continue working every day, without losing faith or hope.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

An agreement that guarantees jobs

Today, Wednesday, March 7, we presented the Agreement that the government of the New Majority signed with the Union Leaders of the City Hall (CONC-CCOO, CSI-F, USOC, SFP and UGT). The Agreement guarantees the continuity of employment, thanks to the renunciation by part of the staff of certain benefits consolidated over the years. The Agreement represents savings of 1.4 million € for the City Hall.

The Agreement regulates the temporary suspension of the concepts of productivity, the municipal contribution to the pension plan and certain social benefits enjoyed by the workers of the City Hall. The Agreement allowed the corporation to maintain the 2012 staff, an impossible feat without the agreed reduction of expenses that stopped unavoidable layoffs.

In this regard, thanks to the understanding between the Government and Union Representatives, the Chapter 1 Item of the 2012 Municipal Budget, to be approved during the coming weeks, which corresponds to the cost of staff and human resources, will show a reduction of 1,4 million Euros in relation with last year’s figures. To the abovementioned savings, we must also add the reduction in salaries of elected officials implemented by the government of the New Majority at the beginning of the current legislature, and also the suppression of various positions of trust and directors.

All such measures aim to reduce the deficit and redirect municipal finances, in a dire state thanks to irresponsible management implemented during the past years.

For this reason, I want to thank the exercise of responsibility made by the Union Representatives of the City Hall. They are well aware of serious condition of municipal finances. A responsibility that all the inhabitants of Sitges show everyday. They know that the current economic climate do not allow the maintenance of certain situations. We were able to witness such a responsible behavior during the Three Wise Men Celebration, and just a few days ago during Carnival. We can also perceive such a stance everyday in the attitude of all businesses, organizations and society at large with a direct or indirect relationship with the City Hall. We are determined to redirect municipal finances, but to make this possible we need efforts, imagination and will.

The situation is very complex, but we will prevail if we act with financial accuracy, and with the capacity of mutual understanding and the dynamic and active spirit that has always distinguished this town.