The efforts made by the Commission of the Town Festival and Santa Tecla, Festival Groups and organizations deserves our outright recognition. The dedication, patience and enthusiasm shown by the people that make the Town Festival, is one of the best elements that helps to understand why our Town Festival is really unique. Some of the formulas conceived by the Commission to obtain alternative income, while created at the same tieme new forms of participation and enjoyment of the Town Festival, had a remarkable acceptance. The group of more than 600 people that participated in the initiative "Fireworks in peace and quiet" are a living proof. The proposal launched by Friends of the Town Festival was also positive, with nearly 1,300 friends. It is a path that has future and that future editions can still elaborate on it.
On the negative balance, I can not avoid to mention incidents that took place the night of the Town Festival on the seafront. They were sad and worrying, not only for the violence that occurred, but for the threat that in represents for any resident of Sitges that wants to experience the festival with the proper civility. Such violent acts are not isolated or unique of Sitges, as many other cities have experienced similar problems this summer, but we must take note and know how to respond with appropriate action. We can not afford that Festivals (in this case, not only the Town Festival, but other local celebrations) ends up threatened by such events.
Photography of Marta Fontanals