Friday, October 5, 2012

An entirely fantastic Sitges

Today we inaugurate the 45th edition of the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia for all of us, the festival. For ten days, Sitges attracts the attention of film lovers, especially those with a craving for fantastic films. They make our town a destination for film lovers, artists, institutions and representatives of industry and the media.

Last night I had the opportunity to meet with the team and volunteers who make possible the organization and operation of the Festival and I delivered a message: during those ten days you have the Sitges Brand in your hands. . The Festival is an initiative of Sitges with an important international projection. The cost of the impact it has on the media is an exceptional investment, which allows the name of our town to be known everywhere.

The Festival was born 45 years ago thanks to the initiative of a group of people from Sitges. During this time, it has grown and expanded formats, it has changed its name, has adapted to the new demands and needs and has become the most important film festival specialized in fantasy films in the world. For Sitges, it is a first-class event and a source of satisfaction. We are very prideful for the level of recognition that the Festival enjoys today.

This year, just as last year's festival, we have stressed its character as a genuine cultural product from Sitges. The double feature inauguration tonight gathers such an ambiance, a top priority for the City Hall. The auditorium at the Melia is a first class facility, whereby the Festival has achieved a projection that in no way would have been possible. But, a Festival without Sitges, its milieu and atmosphere would not be what it is. For this reason, the right balance of the two factors and its perfect combination is the key to transform the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia, the festival into a first-class cultural event. And we feel proud.