Last week, I participated along with other components of the Municipal Government in the Municipal Council of Garraf and Botigues. The main goal of the meeting was to devise a plan of action for the two locations for the coming months, so the needs of the residents could become the real roadmap of the City Hall for the two locations. It was a pleasant meeting, but above all it was an especially rewarding one, because we share a way of doing things that must be the rule to govern the municipal action plan. Such actions must answer both to our limited financial possibilities and to the real needs of both sectors.
During recent years, Sitges and also the rest of the country witnessed public works, sometimes accompanied by substantial investments, that were not only not necessary to improve the quality of life, but that also were totally unnecessary. The use and abuse of this way of managing public assets is one of the reasons that led us to the extreme difficulties we are now facing.
It is significant, however, that Garraf and Botigues have the feeling that the past boom years did not leave the investments they deserved, and that now it is not possible to answer to all desired implementations. The situation is doubly complex because both sectors deserve the implementation of works that are necessary and fully justified.
Therefore, our plan for Botigues and Garraf is based in work carried out in close collaboration with the neighbors. In this sense, the work carried out by the Territorial Councilor Lluis Marcé and by the Participation Councilor Josep Moliné is crucial, and shows the willingness of the local government to implement actions that involve effective and real environmental improvements. Residents and the City Hall have activated jointly all the priorities that involve improvement of access to both areas, beach-cleaning and maintenance of public roads. This form of public implementation that encourages participation and responds to the real needs of residents is the line on which we want to base our policy of service planning and implementation in public roads.