We are ready. With the much awaited "Arribo", tomorrow will mark the beginning of Carnival, one of the most magical moments of our calendar of festivities. Carnival 2016 comes with the usual expectation, which is to add almost unprecedented spring weather and the introduction of necessary prevention measures for a safer holiday.
The most discussed measure, as you know, has been the change of the route of the parades of Debauchery and Extermination. Parades maintain their route through the streets of the town center, but with a modified route for safety reasons. The various security forces involved in the prevention and security of our Carnival, repeatedly warned about of the risks posed by maintaining regular routes, a very wise warning. This change was necessary but now is essential to maintain basic measures of prevention and safety. The new protocols on prevention, added to common sense and safety policies, advised the organization to fully implement this modification change.
All changes in our festivities have to be "cooked over low heat" but without any pause. Three years have passed since it was decided to advance the schedule of parades, including the Children's Parade, Debauchery Parade and Extermination Parade. The first change generated certain rejection among some of the most directly involved in organizing the event, but once modifications were implemented in the Carnival, the evaluations were positive and three years later are entirely consolidated and almost no one misses late schedules anymore.
Last Friday, we held the meeting of the Local Security Board and we set the operating system that will assume the Carnival in this area. The high turnout, the arrival of hundreds of thousands of people and the implementation of existing protocols on prevention and safety, invite us to implement security measures that make our Carnival safer for everyone, without altering participation, openness and attraction. And for this purpose the role of the various security forces working full time is essential (Local Police, Autonomous Police, Fire Brigade, Civil Defense, Red Cross Emergency Medical Service ...). I want to take advantage of these lines to thank and encourage all to do their job. If the festivity is and will be a success in the future, their main actors are the Commission, organizations, groups and various teams involved in the Carnival and their constant work.
Now, it is time to enjoy our Carnival. The best Carnival.