To all the inhabitants of Sitges.
The countdown has begun and we are expecting the start of Carnival. Although we must wait until the 12th of February, Maundy Thursday, for the beginning of the official program of events for the oldest and most massive celebration of our calendar - appearing in fifteenth century documents, Carnival is already manifesting around town. From the incessant work at the "Carrossòdrom" (Floatdrome) to the endless meetings of those who work selflessly for the festivity. An individual task with a collective result, which we will see in the parades of Debauchery and Extermination and also at the Children's Parade.
This year, we have a novelty: the steps of "La Fragata", which will be one of the top exhibition points for the gangs. At the command of His Majesty the King of Carnival and the Queen of the Carnival, the inhabitants of Sitges will live an intense week of magic, color and festivity. We wish luck to "Erem Pocs" and "Carrusel Carnaval" in this adventure. The village is waiting to share with you the result of months of work.
Notwithstanding the law regarding opening hours of shops, the Council recommends to all business sectors related to nightlife, to respect the regulations enacted by the Government of Catalonia regarding opening hours, which this year have been extended at the request of the hostelry industry so that everyone can enjoy the party.
Notwithstanding the law regarding opening hours of shops, the Council recommends to all business sectors related to nightlife, to respect the regulations enacted by the Government of Catalonia regarding opening hours, which this year have been extended at the request of the hostelry industry so that everyone can enjoy the party.
From the City Hall, we ask not to park any vehicle outside spaces clearly marked to avoid obstructing the path of the parades of Debauchery and Extermination. According to the regulations related to unlawful parking, this City Council cannot be held liable for material damage that may arise as a result of the development of the Carnival.
We also recommend to all residents living in the streets where parades go through (both at the Children's Parade and Evening Parade) to avoid taking out garbage on Sunday and Tuesday, in order to facilitate the passage of floats. Waste can also be deposited in the waste containers, most of which will remain open. A recommendation that we extend to restaurants is that they should refrain from removing the glass Sunday and Tuesday of Carnival.
Carnival is party, but not a wild orgy. I ask all those who participate in one way or another to celebrate the festivity with civility and respect. Two fundamental aspects of coexistence that will allow that nothing interferes with the atmosphere and joy of this festivity.
I would also like to congratulate the Carnival Committee, headed by Carles Garcia, all adjustments implemented to enhance the development of the celebration. This year, we will maintain the schedule of children's parades, Sunday at 12 and Tuesdays at 15, and we will start Debauchery and Extermination at 20 hours, half an hour later than the previous year.
I'm also obliged to thank Societat Recreativa El Retiro, Casino Prado Suburense, Grup dels Independents del Carnaval, and gangs of Poble Sec, Cases Noves and Club Natació, their essential function and role so that everything works to make this Carnival an even greater festivity.
I can only encourage you to participate and enjoy this festival that enhances values such as teamwork, collective spirit and contributes to make a better town. Share all the joys of the Carnival, and do not forget to be part of all the acts prepared by the Commission and organizations to celebrate one of the best Carnivals in the world.
I can only encourage you to participate and enjoy this festival that enhances values such as teamwork, collective spirit and contributes to make a better town. Share all the joys of the Carnival, and do not forget to be part of all the acts prepared by the Commission and organizations to celebrate one of the best Carnivals in the world.
Long live Sitges and enjoy the Carnival!