The new Organization Chart was implemented two weeks ago and now works at full steam. The new organization of the Municipal Government, the result of the departure of three councilors of Partit Popular, allowed us to strengthen functions and lines of work and correct accumulated deficits.
The change forced out of the need to fill vacancies left by three dismissed councilors was a good opportunity to redirect some internal dynamics, especially in the Department of Governance and in the area of City Development, along with the distribution of government responsibilities; all interdepartmental lines are clearly reinforced. The Organization Chart was designed with the dual purpose of continuing the implementation of the Governance Plan, which sets the lines of the current government, and provides dynamism, agility and efficiency to the municipal management.
With the new Organization Chart, we ended a very unpleasant period that started when three councilors of Partit Popular decided to take some time for reflection following a democratic decision of the Municipal House, that reflected the will of the people of the people of Sitges expressed in a poll which decided the change of the name of Plaça d'Espanya and carrer Espanya. We can agree or not with the decisions of the Municipal House. We can openly express our agreement or dissent. But we can't abandon their implementation or force the suspension of their execution. I understand that the councilors of Partit Popular do not like the decision of the Municipal House and the majority of the residents of Sitges who went to vote. I know that it must be quite difficult and unpleasant for them, but above ideologies and flags, there is Democracy. The word Democracy is in capital letters.
The new road opened by the Municipal Government will need new skills and renewed variables to carry out certain projects. I’m fully aware. And I assume it. It will be the moment in which responsibility will be over dogma. And that what is good for Sitges will become the real drive of local politics. I gladly accept the responsibility of continuing the implementation of the Governance Plan and all their lines of work, in order to reinforce the projection of Sitges and the creation of new policies and measures to support people. The current situation requires commitment and responsibility. And Sitges deserves it!!