Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A new Organization Chart to reinforce our projects

The new Organization Chart was implemented two weeks ago and now works at full steam. The new organization of the Municipal Government, the result of the departure of three councilors of Partit Popular, allowed us to strengthen functions and lines of work and correct accumulated deficits.

The change forced out of the need to fill vacancies left by three dismissed councilors was a good opportunity to redirect some internal dynamics, especially in the Department of Governance and in the area of City Development, along with the distribution of government responsibilities; all interdepartmental lines are clearly reinforced. The Organization Chart was designed with the dual purpose of continuing the implementation of the Governance Plan, which sets the lines of the current government, and provides dynamism, agility and efficiency to the municipal management.

With the new Organization Chart, we ended a very unpleasant period that started when three councilors of Partit Popular decided to take some time for reflection following a democratic decision of the Municipal House, that reflected the will of the people of the people of Sitges expressed in a poll which decided the change of the name of Plaça d'Espanya and carrer Espanya. We can agree or not with the decisions of the Municipal House. We can openly express our agreement or dissent. But we can't abandon their implementation or force the suspension of their execution. I understand that the councilors of Partit Popular do not like the decision of the Municipal House and the majority of the residents of Sitges who went to vote. I know that it must be quite difficult and unpleasant for them, but above ideologies and flags, there is Democracy. The word Democracy is in capital letters.

The new road opened by the Municipal Government will need new skills and renewed variables to carry out certain projects. I’m fully aware. And I assume it. It will be the moment in which responsibility will be over dogma. And that what is good for Sitges will become the real drive of local politics. I gladly accept the responsibility of continuing the implementation of the Governance Plan and all their lines of work, in order to reinforce the projection of Sitges and the creation of new policies and measures to support people. The current situation requires commitment and responsibility. And Sitges deserves it!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

National Day speech

Councilors of the Sitges City Hall. Mayor Jordi Serra. Mayor Pere Junyent. Mayor Jordi Baijet.
Political parties, organizations, associations and neighborhoods present in the municipality. Group of Human Castles "Jove" Sitges (Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges). Flabiolet School Sitges. Residents in Sitges. Dear compatriots.

Today, September 11, 2013, the countdown begins until the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the fall of Barcelona during the Succession War on September 11, 1714. Sitges, as I mentioned in the Proclamation of the National Day, suffered its own September 11, though not with the cruelty suffered by the capital of Catalonia. A year earlier, during July 1713, when the Bourbon troops entered and conquered Sitges for King Philip V. Sitges, this small part of the country, just like all towns of the county, lost all their national freedoms a fateful July 27, 1713. A date to remember. 

Such dates mark, whether we like it or not, our individual and collective DNA, our character and our way of being and doing. We must remember today as in every year that our self-government was not born with the Constitution of 1978. Self-government has been part of us since our own inception as a nation.

As much as some detest it, history must be taken into account. History must be in our collective memory. As a friend once said: "History is the only thing that people can't adapt to their needs". We all must have a tremendous respect for history and for all those that shaped it and made it possible. Nations can't be considered as such if they don't honor their memory. 

Fortunately, eighteenth century if far removed from us. Today, in Catalonia, hundreds of thousands of very different people live in peace and harmony, even though were are going through difficult times and that we are in a rather convulse era. Many suffer the consequences of a fierce crisis characterized by its long duration and by the suffering left at its wake. But we will prevail. We will go through hell, but we will prevail!

We will keep walking without losing hope, because we must proceed with the construction of a nation at the service of all the people, not for a handful of people, as some would have us believe. They want us to believe it by attacking the same foundation of equality on our nation: social cohesion of all people and the language as basis for integration.

Despite all the suffering we are going through, despite constant threats against our institutions, our culture, our economy, our self-government ... they won't be capable of dissolving the social cohesion of the country, although they try. We won't submit. No, no this one!

Because our nation would not make any sense if we don't value Catalans above all. Catalonia needs all of us. Catalonia needs that we keep on building a nation over a foundation based on progress, equality, freedom and social justice. Because this country is possible and competitive. No Catalan can be left aside whatever language they speak, whatever their origin, status, ideology or orientation. We all are part of the country; the nation includes all of us.

Nor they will, despite constant threats, break our greatest sign of collective identity and communication: the unity of the language. Last year, I dared to pronounce a few words in the Catalan dialects spoken in Mallorca and Valencia. This year, I will join the unanimous cry in favor of the unity of language, in frank opposition against political bartering and the brutal attack suffered by the Catalan language in Aragon, our brotherly country, there's even certain acronym that I don't want to mention contrary to the position of large part of the people in Aragon and in their Parliament. In solidarity I want to say a few words in the speech of the Franja, the strip of land in Aragon that speaks Catalan. As they would say: “Aquí del blat de moro en seguirem dient panís, perquè els xics i les xiquetes de la Franja seguiran creixent i parlant lo català per més que uns quants no ho vulgon ...”.

Patriots; civic, constructive and peaceful Catalan aspirations provoke fear among many. So let's continue being civil, constructive and peaceful being inclusive at the same time, as we have always done. As I said before, the nation that we are, the country that we are building belongs to all.

The right to decide must not provoke panic. Democratic elections must not provoke fear, because we can't set limits to democracy. The right to decide is not a confrontation, as some want us to believe. The right to choose is also civic, constructive and peaceful. And above all, the right to decide is DEMOCRATIC. Catalonia has will, talent, pride and counts with institutions, and also counts with errors, but includes us all. For all the above reasons, Catalans are still smiling and dreaming.

This afternoon, thousands of hands and arms will unite from north to south along the entire country (and will extend also from the heart of Catalonia, from the west to the east, from the east to west). This union is what the country needs. Because people are the real strength of great nations, and the event of this afternoon is one of those great things: people claiming for freedom. 

The future can be better, much better. We only need a positive attitude, perseverance, ideals of inclusion, resistance and we must know how to listen to the will of the people. Keep on fighting for your dreams; keep on fighting bravely to achieve our great collective dream. Ghandi was a man of peace, respected and loved by the entire world, he once said: "Strength does not come from physical capacity but from our indomitable will."

Patriots, don't let others tame your will; don't let others tranquilize your desire! We are living this National Day with a horizon of freedom. From Sitges, this September 11, let's say aloud so the entire humanity can hear us: Long live Catalonia!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

National Day 2013: the Goal is Freedom

Just as last year, 11 September 2013 will have again a special significance and value for all of us. Our nation is in the midst of a process to decide our own future, a process that reached a point of no return and needs to inch along every day. This year, the Catalan Way will release a new message to the world at large: Catalonia wants to be a new state in Europe. And we want to do it with a firm will of agreement, dialogue and civility that characterizes our national aspirations. I will reproduce the proclamation I made acting as Mayor for the National Day 2013:

"Sitges suffered its own September 11, though not with the cruelty suffered by the capital of Catalonia. A year earlier, during July 1713, the Bourbon troops entered our town, putting it under the control of King Philip V. Sitges, this small part of our country, just like the other towns of the county, lost all ancient self-government freedoms a fateful July 27, 1713.

July 27, in Sitges, September 11, in Barcelona, ​​are both landmarks in the history of the nation that we are, and that we are building. The dates, however, can be left aside, but not the people. Those who lost their lives, those who saw their personal and collective projects entirely smashed, entire towns wiped out. The eighteenth century is quite remote for us. But the twentieth century is far closer, the century in which we recovered our self-government institutions. And now, the twenty-first century will lead us to the national pride of living fully at the service of people.

This nation would have no meaning whatsoever without first highlighting the Catalans, without distinction of origin, language, status, or orientation. The Catalonia of the twenty-first century must build upon progress, equality, freedom and social justice.

Let's dress up balconies and windows with the Catalan flag. Let everyone see that the entire nation vibrates in each home, at every town or city. I invite all of you to participate in the official ceremony that will celebrate in Sitges on 11 September at 11 am in front of the statue of Doctor Robert, at the Plaça de l'Ajuntament.

The country is going through hard times, but not as tragic as 1713 and 1714. But right now we are in a period in which the future can be brighter, much brighter. We only need a positive attitude, perseverance, ideals of equal opportunity for all, capacity of resistance and listen to the will of the people.

In this National Day, our goal if freedom. Long live Sitges and long live Catalonia!".

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Festival: Three thoughts

Enough days went by since the end of our Annual Festival, more than enough to make a balanced assessment of what the Festival brought us. For this reason, I wanted to use the blog to expound three main ideas.

National interest
Our Annual Festival was, alongside Vilafranca and Tarragona, the first Annual Festivals to be declared of National Interest by the Catalan Government. That was in 1991 and the distinction was awarded ​​based on the richness of our festive heritage, which still remains as the most identifying element of our Festival. Folk dances, short plays and processions or the March of Guilds justify by themselves such distinction. I had the opportunity to discuss it in detail with the Minister of Planning and Sustainability, Santi Vila, which we invited to the March of Guilds, and I'm pleased to say that he was amazed with what he saw and experienced. This is the essence of our Annual Festival, what sets it apart from the rest and what we must continue caring as it deserves.

The work of the Commission
Again, it has been shown that to make a good Annual Festival we should not make expenditures beyond what is necessary. As happened in 2012, the Commission of the Annual Festival and Santa Tecla performed a commendable, rigorous and effective work. The Commission cared for details, took into account the needs of dance parades, and achieved an attractive program with events for different audiences with high quality and plural proposals. The Annual Festival needs the help of our City Council budget. I am entirely convinced of such a fact, but as demonstrated with the Three Wise Men Parade or the Carnival, money does not correlate exactly with a good festivity.

The work done by the security forces and support services (health, cleaning ...) to achieve a perfect Annual Festival deserves public recognition. This task is neither easy nor grateful, but was carried out with proven effectiveness. The protocols worked and the results were evident. However, we must reflect on what was seen at the Entrance of the Flaviolet Players, when some dimwits lighted crackers. The event was totally ruined due to a nonsense like this, and it is clear we must try to avoid it. But the danger of such an action at a point where there's a high concentration of people is quite considerable, and for this reason it is necessary to act.

We just entered September and the local calendar takes a different pace. And, every September, Santa Tecla brings a shine to the eyes of the little ones and ignites the hopes of children. We have already started work, and this week we will initiate registrations so parents can register their children in the Big Kiddy Celebration.