The City Hall of Sitges submitted to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor all the
necessary documentation concerning the process of award, construction and
management of the Sitges Reference building. The alleged irregularities that have
been committed in this operation, and all the obvious errors in all the planning and
management functions of the building, are the main reasons why this sad affair is
now a hot item in all the media.
The building was promoted and built by a company participated by 50% by
the City Hall, with the goal of installing business offices in Sitges. The original
intention of the initiative was correct, but the process was erratic from the start,
both in development and in its subsequent management. Such statements can
be highlighted by the fact that no company from Sitges or from outside chose the
building to install their operations, among other factors, because the prices offered
by the company were much higher those offered by the market (at that time Real
Estate had not collapsed yet as in recent months).
Back in the day, the groups that integrate the current government of the New
Majority, back then in the opposition, denounced the relocation of most municipal
facilities in the Sitges Reference building just because they did not find any
company interested in installing their offices there. Such relocation was carried
out under erroneous terms and dismalling economic conditions for the already
floundering municipal finances.
And the City Hall, as a result of this decision, had to assume an absurd and overly
exaggerated monthly payment. This decision, taken by the previous municipal
government, was the last drop in an endless a chain of planning errors (a flagrant
demonstration that the goal of Sitges Reference was never achieved and was a
total failure) and a disaster in economic terms (as it meant that the City Council
had to pay rent for their own property). Worst of all is that now we're paying the
As soon as we could access all information through the municipal company acting
as holding company, Sitges Model XXI SA, we could perceive that the confusion
did not stop there. The financial audit conducted a few months ago to know in
detail the state of municipal finances, their procedures and external reports,
detected a budget deviation of 2.3 million Euros in the construction of this building,
and a 40% surcharge on the rental agreement signed between the sponsoring
company and the city for the employment of space. For these reasons and
others that show the disastrous consequences of this operation, the Board of the
municipal company Sitges Model XXI SA adopted at its last meeting the decision to
submit the project to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor.
The Governing Body has kept and maintained throughout this process, an attitude
of institutional loyalty and respect for justice in their proceedings. We will not use
this issue in a partisan way (if this had been our intention, the process of complaint
would have been different), but obviously we will be consistent with our policy of a
rational and responsible use of public money.
The most obvious contrast in comparison with the policy of irrational spending
undertaken by the previous Socialist Government was made patent yesterday,
with the transfer of the Citizen’s Service Office (OAC) to Carrer Nou, to a building
owned by the City Hall that will allow us to save an unnecessary expense.