Tomorrow, Tuesday, we arranged a meeting with the unemployed in Sitges. In half-hour sessions and accompanied by the Councilor for Employment, Business and Economic Initiatives, Ferran Ignasi Llombart, I will meet with the unemployed in Sitges in order to know their situation, which, no doubt, will be useful for our policies for actions shared by the public and private sectors. At the same time, the event will also be a good opportunity to transmit them the programs at our disposal. This is an initiative integrated into the programs for developing and supporting employment and the task we have activated at the City Council, whose target is to contribute to the economic recovery and employment creation in our municipality.
The current critical economic situation channels much of the efforts and energies of the municipal government. The economy and employment are the main concern of citizens and governments, and we, as public administrators, must respond to the needs and expectations of citizens. What can the City Council do in this regard?
The municipal authorities have no jurisdiction in matters of employment. In fact, it is still the Spanish state that should activate appropriate plans, many of which are parallel to the planning and development of macroeconomic and fiscal measures at national level. However, City Councils also have tools and policies at their avail that can contribute to the stimulation of the local economy.
For this reason, the “Centre d'Iniciatives Econòmiques Nivell 10” (NICIES NIVEL 10) (Centre of Economic Activities Level 10) ascribed to our City Council, has different lines for supporting the unemployed, entrepreneurs and businesses in the town. The services of awareness towards entrepreneurship are intended to stimulate the creative capacity of young people in their inclusion in the labor market. Information, orientation and assessment services facilitate the task of entrepreneurs and contribute with structural support. The consolidation services assist in the dissemination of the projects already established. And training programs is an excellent tool to provide content to companies in the development of management skills, negotiation, planning and strategic thinking.
The "Centre d'Empreses Creatives de Sitges" (Creative Business Centre of Sitges), the SME incubator inaugurated two weeks ago in the old design center under the initiative of the previous government team, was the last tool provided by the City Council to facilitate the task entrepreneurs and contribute their bit to promote employment and economic revitalization.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Fight unemployment and promote economic activities: target priorities
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