Monday, November 28, 2016

2017: the year of cultural facilities

Authorities, creators, cultural managers, scholars, representatives of associations and groups, ladies and gentlemen, good evening everyone.
First of all, let me congratulate the winners of the various awards, recognitions and prizes received. The faces of satisfaction clearly expose your joy, absolutely justified:
  • To journalist Joan Sella, for his documented and tasty reports that he publishes regularly at L'Eco.
  • To painter Carles Castellvi and sculptor Jordi Gich for the magic show of his works,  exhibited in Miramar along with other selected pieces from Sanvisens and Pere Jou competitions.
  • To Natalia Carmona for his willingness to research and study.
  • To Francesc Barnés, posthumously, for his kindness, service capacity and intuitive and privileged view through the eye of the camera.
  • To the photography section of the Grup d'Estudis (Study Group) for the enthusiastic efforts to spread the value of the photographic image to the public.
  • And to the musician Ramon Mirabet for taking the name of Sitges everywhere he goes, accompanied by a career that achieves a success after the other.
To all: congratulations!

I would also like to thank the people who made these awards possible. To all the people that make up institutions, associations and other groups of different sign that among their purposes is the noble and necessary task to recognize good work, talent and careers. Congratulations, because you are a driving engine. And the driving engine is an essential part of any dynamic operation: from a vehicle to a collective organization or community. No project works without a driving force. It is not possible to start up. Congratulations and thanks you for your work.

Note that I referred to two of the major pillars of the basic structure of a cultural system: creators and organizers or promoters of political and cultural action. The first (the creators) are the talent and the basis of any cultural event. They make art. Either with a brush, a keyboard, a guitar, a camera or their hands. Art as a form of expression, knowledge or evasion.

But if alongside creators or behind them there were no agents promoting the pipeline, dissemination or funding, no matter how limited, art, creation would be doomed. Associations, institutions, foundations or other groups increase the dimension and body size of culture and are as essential as are the creators themselves.

Santiago Rusiñol arrived in Sitges and transformed the town in one of the most important stages and showcases of the arts in the late nineteenth century. But if Rusiñol had not found an active society in movement, he could hardly have articulated his Temple of Modernism and transform Sitges into a cultural capital. The town of Sitges found by Rusiñol was a very active town. El Retiro and El Prado were just born, and more recently, L'Eco de Sitges.

And while talking about Santiago Rusiñol and L'Eco, let me add a few words in memory of two sitgetans with a long, strong and noble trajectory who have died in recent days: Genis Muntané and Josep Manuel Soler, "en Josep de L'Eco. Genis and Josep represented throughout their life this Sitges that today we are recognizing and rewarding. They were an example of dedication, service and "sitgetanisme."

Creators and associations are the two pillars that sustain culture. And the third are facilities. The expression of culture needs platforms and scenarios to channel their journey, and those platforms must be at the service of creators and dinamizers. And this is one of the challenges of the roadmap of our  Municipal Government regarding cultural facilities.

In this regard, I wish to emphasize that 2017 will be the year of cultural facilities in Sitges. Our culture went through dire straits due to the crisis and budget cuts, but the new environment will generate renewed optimism. Recent years brough about sacrifices, probably in some cases quite excessive, but the good economic management and institutional understanding now allow us to promote projects and facilities are of paramount importance.
  • A few days ago, the Councillor for Culture, Traditions and Celebrations, Rosa Tubau, agreed with the President of El Retiro, Elena Farré, the use of the facility that the City-Hall has in this building for cultural uses. It is a hall that the City-Hall acquired at the end of the 90 but has not had a specific use since. Now the aim is to put this space at the service of cultural institutions and thus respond to a demand that we have received from several associations.
  • Just two weeks ago, I announced accompanied by the Deputy Chairman of the Provincial Council of Barcelona, Jaume Ciurana, the transfer of the Miramar building and its annexes to the City-Hall of Sitges for 20 years, renewable for 30 years; ie up to 50 years of assignment. El Miramar is owned by the Provincial Council of Barcelona and now, thanks to this agreement, will continue under municipal management, with the commitment to extend its use as a cultural space. 
  • During the summer of 2017 will open the Romantic Museum - Can Llopis - once again, once they have completed the work of reform, adaptation and internal reorganization of collections.
  • Also in 2017, we will be about to finish the work of refurbishment of Can Falç. Last spring ended the adaptation of part of ground floor. In 2018 Can Falç is expected to open as a new museum and a center for cultural heritage.
  • And more museums. Because this is the condition that will have the Stämpfli Foundation, once finished the work of expansion of the facilities that the Stämpflis are carrying out a new act of infinite generosity to Sitges and art. With the extension that they will make at the street d'en Bosc, The Foundation will have more than 1,300 square meters dedicated to contemporary art. With Can Falç and extended Stämpfli Foundation, Sitges will have five museums.
  • During 2017, the refurbishment works of Palau Maricel are planned to start. We have already received a grant from the Provincial Government of Barcelona. The reform will be a structural reform and will increase the levels of protection and conservation of one of the most emblematic buildings in Sitges.
  • As previously stated by Councillor Rosa Tubau, during 2017 we will open the Library Santiago Rusiñol, once reformed and refurbished; we will finish the much expected roof works of the theater hall of the Casino Prado and we will continue the struggle to acquire the building of the former Patronato at Parellades street.
  • Heritage conservation will also be the basis a project of recuperation that today we will anounce here, the chapel and the masia (Catalan rural house) of Santa Barbara, also scheduled for action in 2017. We want to allocate the chapel and the house for public use.
The municipal facility at El Retiro, Miramar, museums, the library, Can Falç, the chapel of Santa Barbara ... As you can see, next year comes loaded with remarkable projects to draw a map of cultural facilities with more consistency and more protection. Most of these areas have a precious heritage value for us, their conservation and protection are a priority. But also their access and adaptation to the cultural needs of Sitges today.

Two weeks ago, the president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, inaugurated the central exhibition of the Year Ramon Casas. The fact that Sitges organizes, promotes and exports an event of this type, which next year will travel Madrid and Palma de Majorca,is the recognition of the strong commitment of Sitges as cultural capital.

The exhibition Ramon Casas puts us in the center of the cultural universe of Catalonia, the same feat achieved by some of our festivals and other cultural events organized from Sitges that are national or even international. Right now, the Department of Culture is working on a new festival to expand our event map: Music Festival to celebrate the Gardens of Terramar next summer.

Great exhibitions, festivals and events that focus attention in Sitges and transform Sitges in stage, generator and projector of culture. But at the same time, our cultural system requires local culture and fostering local talent. And this is one of pillars in which works the Department of Culture, through its stable exhibition program, regular editions and activities of organizations of different format. But also accompanying organizations and artists in their projects to the maximum extent of our ability.

Culture is active and generates return when is bidirectional. That is, when all parties contribute with their effort. The City Hall -and all the organizations in which we participate, such as the Heritage Consortium and the Film Festival, among others, are there to promote large projects and tune facilities and renovation of buildings. And you, creators and associations, are here to promote your projects, which are also major projects for Sitges that we all feel as our own projects. Because a Sitges that would only live out of  major cultural events would be a lame Sitges, a boring Sitges. For this reason, your contribution is not only useful and necessary, but it is essential.

Culture is a pillar of the welfare state, as are education, health, housing and social services. And so, we must provide the content, funding, dialogue and two-way action. And 2017 is destined to be a particularly important year in which we will strenghten our map of cultural facilities. And, therefore, continue weaving our status as a cultural capital.

Thank you and good evening to everyone.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Opening ceremony of the exhibition of Ramon Casas

Almost two years ago, we gathered right in this same spot,  "Racó de la Calma" or “Quiet Corner”,  to inaugurate the reopening of the Cau Ferrat and Maricel Museum after an intense and thorough reform process. Already at that time, just on the threshold of Christmas. we recited a good verse J.V Foix I am exalted by everything new, I'm in love with everything old to define what we were offered by some museums that were able to recover the essence of their legacy adapting it to current needs and future.
Today -in the opening of this wonderful exhibition about Ramon Casas, his world and his time- we will reaffirm the commitment of our museums as an excellent showcase of all the heritage contained in their collections. But at the same time, just for being an active dynamizer of the vibrant cultural life of Sitges nowadays.

This exhibition that opened today confirms it clearly. Ramon Casas, a much longed modernity is the desired central exhibition of the Year Ramon Casas, a rich and suggestive walk through the work of the genius of modernism which interacts with other artists who influenced him or whom he influenced. An exhibition of first level, which allowed taking to Sitges paintings from some of the most prestigious European galleries.

The fact that the main event of the Year Ramon Casas takes place in Sitges is no accident. 
  • First, because our museums accumulate a complete collection of his work: Cau Ferrat and Maricel Museum have 100 pieces of Ramon Casas, including oil paintings, drawings and posters. Undoubtedly, this is a significant collection, which offers a full scale of art from the turn of the century in our country.
  • Second point, because Ramon Casas played a role in the cultural history of Sitges, near Santiago Rusiñol and Charles Deering. Casas was the owner of Can Rocamora, the building now integrated in the ensemble of Cau Ferrat and Maricel Museum, and made continuous trips to our town, more or less regularly.
  • But in addition to historical coherence reasons, the central exhibition of the Year Ramon Casas in Sitges is possible because our town now has a museum displaying the artistic past as it was, but doing so in the most demanding conditions of rigor, quality and positioning.
The organization of an exhibition of this magnitude would not have been possible without the strategic vision and work capacity of the Heritage Consortium of Sitges. Neither would have been possible without some installations perfectly equipped from a point of view of conservation, security and accessibility. We are referring to Cau Ferrat and Maricel Museum.

Almost two years since reopening, Cau Ferrat and Maricel Museum have more than fulfilled its main mission as art museums that hold collections of significant heritage value. But at the same time, they have also become a channel of cultural revitalization of Sitges of extraordinary value ... quantitative but especially qualitative.

In a town like ours that lives on tourism statistics are important. And for this reason, during the last 22 and half months, the Cau Ferrat and the Maricel Museum have received 68,000 visitors and 1,500 groups. A matter of satisfaction that illustrates attraction capacity.

At the same time, in a town like ours, who actually lives from tourism but which boasts its status as capital of the arts, statistics are not all. The organization of this exhibition allows us to locate Sitges at the forefront of the national cultural scene. We do it with satisfaction and enthusiasm, but also with the conviction that culture is the best face that Sitges has offer to the world. We did it over a hundred years at the time of Casas and Rusiñol, and we make it now with the legacy that we inherited for the service of the city and the arts.