A few days ago we started to meet with the residents of Vallpineda, Garraf and Botigues to set goals and work dynamics that will mark the Neighbourhood Plan, that we are already implementing in the City Council. The Neighbourhood Plan is one of the actions included in the Governance Plan designed by our City Council. The Governance Plans details all the strategies and actions that will be carried out by the City Council during this term.
The Neighbourhood Plan aims to satisfy the most important needs and demands expressed by residents from the various areas and sectors of the municipality, in case such demands can be implemented. The Plan will detail the actions that will be carried out in various fields such as urban improvements, utilities, green areas, playgrounds or road planning, among other areas.
The actions contained the Neighbourhood Plan are the result of proposals made by the Government, added resident proposals made through Municipal Councils composed by residents. It is a formula for direct participation in which citizens can express their opinions and preferences and at the same time, recognizes and supports the role of Councils as representative bodies in their respective fields and as direct partners of our city council. During the first meetings held with the Municipal Councils, we were able to communicate to them the formula that will characterize the Neighbourhood Plan. We shared shared structural needs and objectives of a tool that is intended to entice the full participation of all residents.
At the same time and in parallel to such meetings, we opened a permanent cooperation path with the City of Castelldefels to address all the needs in services and improvements in Botigues de Sitges. The unique location of this area and the determination to correct some deficiencies in the provision of services require a stable cooperative action with the city of Castelldefels, allowing to expedite and complete services. A few days ago I met with Candela López, Mayor of Castelldefels, and other councilors of the municipality. I was accompanied by Aurora Carbonell, Deputy Mayor, and the Councillor for Public Roads, Carmen Almirall, also representing Sitges. We laid the the groundwork for joint actions which will improve services to Botigues de Sitges.