On Monday, the Plenary Session approved a Plan for Municipal Aids, with the intention of reviving local economy, promote employment and help entrepreneurs. The Plan is endowed with 195,000 Euros, which will be devoted entirely to the three goals mentioned above.
The plan is divided into four areas:
- Bonuses for freelancers.
- Entrepreneurship.
- Improving the competitiveness of businesses already in operation.
- Boosting trade in Sitges.
Based on these four areas and departing from the limited economic capacity and competence of our City Council, the Plan is a concrete and active statement in favor of economic revitalization. The aim of the measures is to be alongside entrepreneurs, small and medium enterprises and workers and provide them with tools that facilitate the work and open new roads.
The plan includes a subsidy covering the total cost of the Social Security for freelances during the first year, for all inhabitants of Sitges registered in the General Social Security Scheme and that have developed their business plan through municipal services of entrepreneurship. This measure allows covering gaps in funding due to the restriction of bank loans imposed by the financial institutions, and help young entrepreneurs to open their small business in Sitges.
Meanwhile, the plan also provides measures to support new cooperatives, with a refund of 80% of costs, whenever chartered in Sitges and by their residents. There is also support in the provision of services that contribute to their ideas, such as the creation of a corporate image or communication plans.
Companies can also benefit from the plan measures in areas such as a 50% discount in the costs of study for internationalization of its products, or the application of communication technologies.
These and other measures are part of the plan, which aims to be a useful tool for entrepreneurs. Often, small but big ideas or initiatives have failed to see the light due to lack of resources or funding to back them in their beginnings, which are always the most difficult part for any new business project.
The economy recorded signs of improvement. Also in Sitges, a City that maintains employment levels significantly higher than in surrounding areas or the whole country. But the situation, we are well aware, it is still very difficult and will remain so. For this reason, support for economic activity, along with social services, remains a very important priority for our City Council. And this plan can be a useful and valid tool in this line.