Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas in Sitges

We are about to celebrate a new Christmas season, a sure sign that marks the end of a period in which we make a balance in a conscious or unconscious manner. We also plan a roadmap detailing our way during the coming year. Christmas comes every year and will come forever. Our Christmas season brings memories and old customs by the hand of our traditions.

Under the name of Christmas season in Sitges, this year we will celebrate holidays with more activities and ideas than ever. We will combine traditional and innovative proposals, thanks to the drive shown by our people, organizations and groups. During our Christmas season, we want to share, live and make live more than ever. And aside from all intimate and familiar moments planned by each of us, we must reserve space and time for collective enjoyment.

Once again, the organizations prepare their traditional events. Prado, Retiro and Agrupació de Balls Popular, Association of Popular Dances in English, is ready to organize their "quintos", a name that designates popular bingos. Once again, we will enjoy the elaborate work of our manger makers at the exhibition at Palau del Rei Moro. We will enjoy many and varied Christmas Carols in different parts of Sitges, where we will also have the opportunity to discover mangers in those areas that are part of our Christmas memory year after year, and that are faithful to the tradition of assembling mangers. 
Christmas season will also mark the anniversary of another recreational event for children; Christmas Park will reach its twentieth edition.

But before all this happens, Sitges is already immersed in the Christmas spirit thanks to our shops. Shop owners are the first to announce Christmas at the beginning of December; they announce the arrival of a very special season. Shopkeepers do their best to transform their stores into magical places. This year we enjoyed Fira de Santa Llúcia again, but beyond another traditional event in the Christmas schedule, we need to value the work done by the shopkeepers that organized a new edition of Botiga al Carrer, Shops out in the Streets. The event initiated by shopkeepers from Jesus Street and Cap de la Vila square has grown in each of the recent editions. This year, residents and visitors were able to enjoy street shopping thanks to downtown shops, but also from shops in Sant Pau and Major Streets that joined the event. During more than two days, our shopkeepers took their products out on the streets. But now, we must remember that we also have to visit shops. Surely, the experience of sharing a purchase in a little shop is especially rewarding, and we all share responsibility when it comes to the maintenance of local businesses.  There is no doubt that some will find holiday shopping online very convenient, others prefer to spend a hectic day in a mall, but real gifts are those you pursue from one store to the other, those that allow you to talk with shopkeepers and enjoy the shopping experience beyond taking some object home..

Such a peculiarity, I am referring to the sensation that something special is going on during our Christmas season is what we must transmit to children. No matter if they are grown or young kids, they are the ones that will experience an authentic experience. We must do whatever possible, regardless of family circumstances, to make all children enjoy our Christmas season. In that respect, Sitges has shown more generosity than ever. The groups engaged in charitable activities during years to insure the happiness of children, have been joined by several social organizations, most of them under the umbrella of the Board of the Third Sector. All have the same aim: reduce the effects of a crisis still raging our economy, and that I hope that will disappear with the last stroke of 2013.

Whatever the intensity of our longing for our Christmas season, everyone, even those that abhor Christmas, will be compelled either as individual or as a group to make a balance and face the future in an intimate or collective manner.

The City Council also aims for shared goals that we are now tracing thanks to the approval of municipal accounts for the coming year. The approval of the budget will trace the path for a year for which I have the firm conviction that will be better than the one we are about to leave. And it will be so because we achieved a large part of our goals.  And now that we already walked the hardest part of the trek, I want to take advantage of this opportunity to thank all the citizens. I want to thank you for all your work during our most difficult moments. I want to thanks all those who understood that the task of recovery had to be a collective effort, and to those that did not share such idea. I want to give my sincerest thanks to all political representatives that gave preference to responsibility and to a constructive vision over other goals. 2014 should be a very important year for Sitges and the country. Next year will dispel doubts about our future, a future in democracy and in freedom.

I wish a new year laden with good times. For those who are not among us, we will keep on devoting all our efforts and hope. I renew my commitment to work with the highest dose of illusion that alongside rigor, will take us to a better year.

I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy 2014.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Transparency at the Hospital

Last week, we presented the results of the audit commissioned by the new Board of Trustees of Hospital San Juan Bautista Foundation, which had the mission to evaluate the process involved in the sale of real estate assets during the period 2009-10. The report states that in those two years, five properties were sold 29,2% below the market price.

The resulting report shows that there were some actions taken by the Board at that time that could be considered as improper management. The audit notes that the sale of the abovementioned five properties did not follow the recommended procedure (not compulsory): detailed real estate valuation showing real market price, and a public information process to ascertain if there were other offers. The document allows us to conclude that extension and refurbishment works were not carried with all the due caution that are customary in such operations, provoking an undue pressure on liquid assets forcing the sale of assets circumventing due process. 

Now it’s the turn for the Foundations Protectorate of Catalonia. This organization received the result of the report and must determine whether such action will generate economic damages to the Hospital.

Unfortunately, the audit confirms our suspicions, provoking a drastic change in the management of the Foundation eight months ago, with the sole purpose of safeguarding the interests of the Hospital (that are very dear assets belonging to the town of Sitges.) And I say unfortunately because I wish our predictions were wrong. The audit takes a snapshot that reveals that the performance of Presidency, Management and Representatives lacked the accuracy and exactitude required by such operations.

During all the process, the actions executed by the City Hall that I preside sought, above all, the protection of the interests of the Hospital, from the economic and managerial standpoint. When we renewed the Board of Trustees, we were deeply committed with a transparent management. The Hospital is indeed a private institution, but involves the City Council (the Mayor is the President), and this is a sufficient reason to demand transparent and rigorous management and equal opportunities in all processes. The value and symbolism that the Hospital has for Sitges accentuates the need for scrupulous, strict and transparent management.

The completion of the audit and the follow up by the Catalan Government was the first step. But it is not the only one. With the arrival of the new members composing the Board of Trustees, now headed by Fernando Herráiz, we are revising recruitment, suppliers, income from residents and management of real estate assets. The new line of management is a guarantee for the full recovery of the collective confidence in an institution for which we have always been proud of.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sitges is always alive

On Wednesday November 27, we held the Guild's Dinner, the traditional event that brings together the hotel and catering sector. The dinner was hosted by Sitges Hotel and Catering Association. The Guild's Dinner is a ripe occasion to discuss our tourism policy, perform an evaluation of results and stress strategies. It is a very important event for the main economic activity in our town. This is why I will enclose my speech below.

Councilors, Deputy Director of the Catalan Tourism Agency, Commissioner of Tourism of Barcelona Provincial Council, President of the Guild, winners, guild associates, good night everyone.
This is without doubt one of the most important events of the year, and it is so because today, in addition to recognition of achievements, the celebration makes a balance of the tourism sector, the main economic drive of Sitges.

This year's tourist season, in reference to the figures of last summer, was positive. In early September, we announced the figures provided by the Sitges Hotel and Catering Association that stressed that August ended with 95% occupancy.

It is quite evident that we must not count the chicken before they hatch and that figures can be interpreted in many ways, and our audience is very well versed in reading fine print. The information tells us about the spending rate of our tourists or visitors, even including their spending behavior and the types of establishments in which they spent their money.

We must also recap, look back and make a balance not only of the summer season, and then take a snapshot of the entire year. I am referring to our combined degree of satisfaction concerning the goal of removing seasonality from our tourist season.

And I say so because those are not new conclusions, but goals that are pursued year after year and for which the tourism sector claims support from the administration. During a longer time than desired, such goals have carried a very heavy burden under the form of the present economic crisis.

When we started the legislature, the Tourism Agency was crippled by a very large debt. It is not a new fact; I want to use it to quickly review the work being done.

One of the goals of the Agency for this year was to implement the plan for the future economic viability. Now I can announce that the goal was achieved, 2014 will be a year without the ominous tax burden.

But we were not only involved in paying debts and balancing accounts. From the administration, from the City Council, we fulfilled the promise we made to you.

I do not want to extend and revise all actions taken by the Agency during the year, which obviously are many, but I would like to remark that 2013 was the year in which we managed subsidies to materialize the Can Milà Project in 2014, we launched projects to improve tourist offers that we believe are capable of attracting tourists. In addition to participating in major national and international fairs and workshops, the Agency stepped beyond and created the Russian Info Center this summer, responding to your request to try to capture the emerging Russian market.

But beyond selling Sitges to the world to establish our city as a benchmark for tourism, I want to refer to the outcome of your complaints, those that directly affect your business.
Last year at this same dinner, we talked about the importance of a definitive step towards the legalization of tourist homes. This is a clear example of good work carried out jointly by the Hotel and Catering Association and the City Hall. The ultimate goal was not reached yet, but the campaign achieved the legalization of nearly 400 homes. Now we are at the stage of fining those that we have detected but are not legal yet. We made an important step to eradicate such practices, because unfair competition affects you directly.

But if tourist homes are an example of good practice in a public-private partnership, there are other issues that affect one part of the sector that have not been solved yet. I am referring to the legal dispute presented by some establishments present here related to garbage generated by commercial establishments.

Look, I sincerely believe in what I have confided with many of you before. I am convinced that the only way out is to apply and abide the law. But I want to make clear that this does not mean I am not on your side. Strict application of legality does not imply being insensitive to your needs. Those are not unrealistic claims, and I'm not playing to the gallery. The City Council answered your claims. This resulted in the application of the coefficient of property tax for Hotels, including summary of fees relating to garbage, as you proposed. Everything was handled in a legal manner, and I must remark that this is our way, the way of the current government.

We honored our commitment that is why I ask you publicly to reconsider your participation in the Platform for Proper Taxes and Services. We just approved budgets and fees with the large majority of the Plenary Session. The budget and fees include all your demands!

I am convinced that making such a demand to you might be deemed as pretentious, pompous and lacking any self-criticism. But I will also make a critical analysis. I am sure that you think that the joint work carried out by the agency and the sector and, therefore, the consolidation of projects, would have been much easier if the political representative had not changed so many times.

Mr. Garrigó is the third tourism councilor during the legislature. Too many changes in just over two years of a government. But none of it was free! The first change came in response to the high standards that the important tourism council should have, according to our opinion. Second, it is quite evident that there was a restructuring of government that implied the departure of one of the partners of the coalition.

But while all this was happening, tourism goals in our Governance Plan have not moved an inch. The degree of fulfillment of tourism goals included in the governance plan is satisfactory.
In any case, this is mostly a night for recognition and gratitude. A night that blends homage to professional experience with awards to new projects.

We are concerned about the issue of sand, but I must say this was the first time in 10 years that sand was added to our beaches. The sand was paid by City Council and not by the Spanish state. We are all aware that strong winds from east might sweep the sand away again, but we had to save the season. This was made this year, after more than 10 years without any sand addition to our beaches.
We must also consolidate events on the seafront, and we must also promote a better cleaning of our streets, take care of our urban spaces. True, we believe that efforts have been made, but there is a long way to go.

I want to cover safety that was mentioned before. The work done this summer by our local police and the Catalan police allowed a reduction in the number of thefts. Recently, the Sitges Hotel and Catering Association and the City Council have positively assessed and analyzed the data. It is the line to be followed, the joint work of public and private sector.

 Regarding issues related with nightlife, we are very concerned. I would like to say that tonight is not the best occasion to find solutions to problems related to the lack of a competitive offer, provoked by the increasing competition from nearby areas. It is quite obvious that we must hold a roundtable in which nightlife entrepreneurs and residents can find a balance, because in Sitges it is quite difficult to balance rest with nightlife.

We must remember a fact that we must take into account. Let's go back a few years, when we were planning the future of Sitges through the General Plan, back then we chose to have a predominantly residential town that enters in conflict with the purpose of this dinner, which is tourism. So perhaps the time has come for all concerned, and a few others, to rethink everything, because it is difficult to match a residential municipality with a tourist resort like our city.

I want to congratulate publicly Restaurant El Velero, Bar La Barata and Hotel Platjador and Mr. Josep Anselm Amigó for all the years of dedication to hospitality. But tonight, the Rubio family deserves a special recognition after five generations at the helm of one of our finest establishments, El Xiringuito.
This anniversary is more valuable than my words, and that is why during the coming days, our City Council will place a plaque at El Xiringuito.

I also want to congratulate all those companies that are recognized by the Sitges Hotel and Catering Association in different ways, with different contributions, such is the case of Laboratoris Almirall, DAMM and the Institute of the Arts Barcelona, a project that became a reality and in which we have worked since the very beginning..

And tonight, we will also grant an award to a very important event. The award for creativity and research, capable of contributing to new initiatives to promote Sitges. Sitges Tapa a Tapa received the visit of an older brother that came for a visit and that we hope that he stays home. The National Tapas Competition received the essential assistance of DAMM. A contest that gave us the chance to see the students of our Hospitality School, called Escola d'Hosteleria de Sitges. I'll take advantage of this opportunity to congratulate them. But I want to stress the creativity, generosity, energy and ability of the promoters of the idea. The Andreu brothers.

This is exactly the example that we need in Sitges. It is a clear proof that younger generations are qualified to lead this industry; we cannot afford not to renovate.
What happened in November is a living proof that SITGES IS ALWAYS ALIVE. Many come to Sitges and tell us: THIS IS LIFE, others say that Sitges is THE JEWEL OF THE MEDITERRANEAN, and others like to refer to the ART OF LIVING. But it is clear that SITGES IS ALWAYS ALIVE.

Most know that this is our new brand, which I did not want to overlook. The new brand is one of the major achievements of the year we are about to end. The history of our slogans, above advertising trends and the passage of time, always tried to convey experiences related to quality. Lets make SITGES IS ALWAYS ALIVE our new benchmark for quality tourism.

So tonight I want to leave you with a challenge, a challenge that I truly believe that we all can assume. We must advocate for change, we must not be conformists.

And I propose this challenge, picking up my statements in an interview published at l'Eco de Sitges that you wanted to respond publicly. In that interview I said... ask not what Sitges can do for you, but what you can do for Sitges.

I will ask you in another way paraphrasing a famous quote by a famous political leader: We should not ask why things happen, let's look at things that have not happened yet, we must be capable of making them! In Sitges, we just showed that when we want it, we can do it!

Good Night